That all sounds reasonable to me, but didn't really answer the question. I agree clubs should do more, but I don't think taking the knee stops them doing more. If it is being used as an excuse to not needing to commit further to tackling the issue then fair enough. But I haven't seen any evidence of that.
why is it a big deal ,it gives a few seconds in your mind to think that everyone should be treated fairly as we are all humans, well apart from refs who are bias against the Barnsley race , they deserve abuse
Of course it works, because it means something to the players. If people are moaning about a Few seconds of kneeling before the game, then what you’ve just suggested would be complete overkill to them. Do you not get that?
I find it incredible so many non racist people can want a 5 second iconic gesture to cease. Black players should rightly choose when it is time to move on from taking the knee, not white people who have no idea about the individual impact of racism. Maybe we should stop minute silences/applause. Stop the last post or poppy wearing. I mean christ, that’s been going on decades!!!
This is taken from an interview with Steve Holland, who is talking about Southgate. It sums up perfectly for me the whole debate about is it worthwhile still etc. “ His support for taking the knee has been great. He knows it may not be the perfect way but people are still talking about it. It may take years [to change] but we've started the conversation and I think it's always going to be there now and I'm proud of that.“
While England fans boo other nations national anthems or shine laser lights in goalies eyes I'd keep doing it. Too many knuckledraggers follow Ingerlund.