I remember reading with a world cup they try and pick a time that will give them the largest possible tv audience, with zero consideration for us getting drunk! Ridiculous if you ask me.
I totally get that and I think it makes sense, it's so late for a lot of Europe though that I struggle to believe it's the best possible TV audience? I guess they know more than me though. Maybe more in the Americas watch than I realise
It's never been done before. It sets a precedent, it's a nonesense . It's a bloody football match that's all. Get out of bed and get your kids to school on time. We played in Japan world cup in 2002 and they are 6 hours in front. No mention of late school openings to let parents sober up.
Small sample size here but I know in Spain they have 9pm (local time) kick offs fairly regularly. Maybe it's a cultural thing and we have a early bed time here? Nearly everyone I've spoke to this week has said the same thing though "why the hell are they playing Sunday night!" I know this year with them both been at Wembley it wasn't a option but I've often thought both Semi finals should be on the same day given the relatively quick turnaround to the final.
In Spain, they tend to eat their evening meal between 9-11pm so they must have either a later bedtime or sleep immediately after eating. Their ‘typical’ working day ends at 8pm.
We didn't make the final of that tournament. For all my anger about schools closing for Children and denying them a education I can't say I'm too upset about them missing a few hours because England have made the final of a major tournament. My workplace hasn't shut for single day due to covid and apart from wearing pointless visors for a while we have all attended as normal throughout, we have even given everyone on nights Sunday off and a late start Monday. Let's enjoy the moment it may never come again for many of us.
It's been done before. In 1998 my school ended after dinner so that we could all watch the Tunisia match in the afternoon with a 1:30pm kick-off
Probably the same match that I remember Jamdrop, England V Tunisia in France 98, shearer and scholes scored.
My lads 10 he plays for a team and loves football he is isolating from school at the minute (he's fine with no symptoms)i let him stay up and watch the Denmark game but if he wasn't isolating I don't think I would have as like you say its too late I would for the final though as it could be once in a lifetime thing.