Love this. Lets moan about England reminding of the world cup for 55 years by reminding ourselves of England reminding us about the world cup win. If England win i guess it will rub saltire in the wounds (see what i did there?). Do we have any English newspapers?
What annoys me, and the Irish are just as bad, is that we haven't spent the last 55 years going on about 1966 and how good we are but have actually spent the last 30 odd bemoaning how disappointing we are. I've been in Ireland four years now and have lost count of the articles about 1990 and Big Jack's boys getting to the quarter finals. The thing is they had a team full of Englishmen which they conveniently forget about when they moan about Grealish and Rice picking the country of their birth over Ireland. The hypocrisy boils my brains!
Mike Parry was apoplectic that the Scots aren't supporting England. As an Evertonian I'm sure he cheered Liverpool's successes over the last few years
What i have noticed only in the last few years is that its becoming more reciprocated now on ourside, it never used to be, when the Croats scored against the Scottish Wembley cheered, that would not have happened a few years ago.
Good luck to both Sheffield clubs for the forthcoming season. I no longer consider that your fanbase venerates sex-pests, and elbowing shíthouses, in the one case, or is totally deluded about its standing in the game, in the other. May you both win your respective leagues. UTB! UTO!
Churton you are blind and deaf to what actually does go on. Your media need no encouragement to bring up 66 at any opportunity. I fully expect it to be mentioned on numerous occasions tomorrow.
Surely that’s in context though? Bringing it up while talking about football is a lot different to it being on every channel at all times like what you seem to be hinting at. If you don’t watch England matches on TV you’re very unlikely to hear anything about 1966 unless you go looking for it. It makes sense to talk about it when talking about international football tournaments surely? It’s like towards the end of last season Barnsley’s 1997 season was mentioned a fair bit. It makes sense.
B R even if I didn’t watch any England games I would still here about it. News channels were full of it. Jeremy Vine could not avoid talking about it all week. And news paper all regurgitating it one way or another. Must be great to read and hear if you are English but unbelievably irritating to everyone else.
Sorry Ian but I have to differ. Before I moved to Ireland programmes and references to us being great and 1966 etc were virtually non existent. There's plenty of references to 66 I'll grant you but only in the context of it being so long since we actually achieved anything. I'll also grant you that in the sports news at the moment there's a huge emphasis on England but we're living in an era of 24 hour news across a huge array of media. What can you expect? I dare say if Scotland were in the final the media north of the border would be in overdrive.
I think you should move to Berwick. That way, you could still watch Scottish league games, but follow England as your newly adopted national side. You know it makes sense. You'd be nearer Oakwell too.
Folk moan on here about the Leeds bias on the television (Look North & Calendar) and about the Sheffield bias on the local Radio (Sheffield) as these teams are bigger and better supported with more impressive histories (i.e. they've won more in the past than Barnsley). This is just the same on a National level - England is a bigger country with a great population and a more impressive history (i.e. they've won a world cup). Essentially that's it. Personally, I switch off and it doesn't bother me at a local level or a national level.
About right Ronnie. Anyway it’s good tae have a moan and I look forward to all the media moaning after Italy win tomorrow.
Hmm getting what you are saying but if Scotland were to be in a final our media would not saturate England like your media does to us atm.