In shops etc. So basically... Late June: You must wear a mask Early July: You can ditch your mask Mid July: We expect you to wear a mask. Predictions: 1. Sunlighter will be pissed off 2. Late July: You must wear a mask until you decide the data suggests its ok not to wear one
Choice. shops/bars/transport might ask you to wear one. They might not you’ve got the choice to wear one if you so wish to frequent the places who ask you to wear one or you can go elsewhere to a place that doesn’t require them. just like conditions of entry have always been. Isn’t the world great when people stop moaning about stuff. edit: the government are still arsëholes.
This government are a joke with this mixed communications. It’s just going create even more division in this country when we ought to be uniting again.
And when visiting your GP or Hospital you will still have to wear a mask until the Winter season is over.
So what's the thought here? You're free to return to normal but we will shame you if you behave normally.
Masks are all theatre anyway. Its behavioural science to remind you that theres a "deadly Pandemic" about.
It's the Government sending mixed messaging and spreading confusion and division whether intentionally or not. So, yes, the Government is incompetent
I have to say wearing a mask has not been the worst thing about the pandemic as far as I'm concerned. It has mostly being unable to work for 15 months. I don't want another lockdown, so where it seems appropriate, i.e. crowded indoor spaces, or public transport I'll wear one. I won't call out anyone not doing, or even think the worse of them. Personal choice. As ever the messaging from the government has been woeful.
They are a courtesy to our fellow human beings. But as we are all lovely person*s to each other we end up where we are.
They need to lie and confuse. Brexit fallout and failing to control the virus are merging into the mother of all sh*t storms. Anyone noticed how many items in supermarkets are temporarily out of stock? They need to create a land of confusion (thanks Genesis) to ensure folk don't see the true picture. Obviously their client journalists in their own publications will continue to promote the charade. Marr will be on the naughty step now after daring to ask important questions. Zahawi who I don't like (heating his stables with public funds) but has allowed the vaccine rollout to be success has just totally undermined his achievements in today's interviews.
My mates under the knife this week, I'll be sure to ask him to request that the surgical staff dress differently for the job. Maybe they could do the operation dressed as Cyber men, Roman Gladiators or mermaids.
There's no choice at all though, really. No small business can afford to hire an extra person to stand on the door and explain their own set of rules, especially in the current economic conditions. Big businesses might be able to enforce mask wearing, table service, distancing etc on their premises, but most of us won't have a choice - if it's not backed up by law then it won't happen. I'm absolutely terrified about the 19th July. Reopening was supposed to be a positive step, but I'm mostly scared for my safety and that of my staff and customers. Desperately trying to think of ways in which it can be mitigated, but the best I've come up with so far is putting in a capacity limit and standing on the door myself for 12 hours a day enforcing it.
No thought, care or support has been provided to a lot of small businesses. Sadly you are not getting any now either. Terrible handling of this whole pandemic, other than the vaccines, but the government seem incapable of even profiting from the high vaccination rate by sending out mixed messages again.
I’d like to say I am surprised. But sadly mixed messages are how the clowns have been operating for the last year or so. Regardless of what they are actually saying they are performing an experimental policy of herd immunity but want to point to the public as at fault if/when it goes tits up Yet again they are behaving in a way which has no regard for the British public but is all about a different agenda Thing is it’s working. Enough still think it’s better to have this clown troupe in charge than some boring grown ups who might confront reality
I totally agree and see your point. I wish I could offer a way to make it work. elect clowns, get a circus.
Only this lot could squander the gains the vaccine. All it took was the promise of a few bungs linked to a trade deal from a country that was on its knees with a new variant. The result; all we got from the trade deal was the variant.
When they cut him open i hope there main fear isn't coronavirus as opposed to all the deadly viruses passed via blood and saliva.