Aye, that article reads as though his application goes to a panel for approval. But I was under the impression it was a points scoring system. So we'd know whether or not he qualifies before making any sort of approach. Get the feeling this could just be a rehashing of an old rumour.
As I understand it. The points system is a 33/36 page document and not massively straightforward. Age plays a part.
Ah okay, I'll take your word for it. Its not something I've really looked into. I just remember Dane essentially ruling out the possibility of us signing players off the continent.
I do remember Dane saying that players who had been unconvinced to join Barnsley earlier last season had had their agents on the phone trying to get them a move. Perhaps that's where this rumour has come from. Don't think we need a striker unless we're selling 2 or 3 though.
Well to be honest after we signed Dike he became very important to us & now he has moved on a replacement of similar presence would not go a miss ,not discounting Cole who brings other attributes whilst I still think that Miller & Victor will not be used much if not moved on .
To save some translating, a summary of the article: Obbi Oulare. The 25-year-old Standard striker is on his way to Barnsley. He still has to pass his medical tests with the Championship team. A win-win situation for Standard and Oulare, who had both been bored with each other for a while. Last winter, Standard already wanted to get rid of Oulare. Even then there was interest from Barnsley, but the striker himself was not interested in an English adventure. Standard took over Oulare permanently from Watford in 2019, after he first played on loan for the Rouches for the first time. A tibia fracture and numerous muscle injuries ensured that Oulare's story in Liège was not a success. He appeared in 42 games and scored five goals.
Not even signed and already written off as having a bad attitude and not bringing anything to the team. Let’s give him a chance and see what happens. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. I wonder how many dismissed Morris when we were in for him and look how that has turned out.
True. Hopefully it’s just a case of the translation of the article that makes it sound worse than the reality.
This was my initial thought. I always give new players a chance and rarely criticize players on here. However, he's been to the UK once with Watford and didn't settle. We wanted him before, but he didn't want to come. He doesn't want to be with his current team, and they don't want him. Also, there are the injury worries. Let's just wait and see.
He'll be playin 2 week after season start remember cauley. we finished 5th last yr that could av changed his mind, take a look on you tube,just put his name you tube,goals, look at goals frm aug 2020 looks a cracking player, we meed some suppliers though so someone must be going, unless them 4 young uns av freed up some wages, front 3 nxt yr be best in league.coyr.
I'm concerned with the size of the squad and lack of meaningful transfer activity getting players out of the building permanently. I'd hate for us to have to sell Woodrow, Helik or Styles to balance the books and pay the wages of players nobody else wants. Apologies for being so blunt.
Watford signed him when they were in the prem for £6million, sounds like he’s lost his way abit but there must be a player in there somewhere.