You might want to reword that... I got the impression that Sibbick actually posted that (as his own thoughts) but turns out that he just retweeted someone as an example of the racist abuse.
Twitter is toxic and people who tweet ***** like that need Twitter to help the police track them down for a visit.
Folk need to wake up, it's not what anyone wants to see but these are our countrymen. Nailed on the apologists will be out in force via the Mail etc arguing about free speech etc. Just knew this would happen, and that really breaks my heart and gets me angry.
Agree mate but please let's not generalise free speech and align it with racism. Free speech should never be abolished. We shouldn't silence these people, we should educate them. And if they don't want to discuss it or open their mind then that's on them.
Utterly disgusted at that, not just because such overt racism was on diplay for all to see but mainly because someone feltthat he was 'safe' to do so with no repercussions. Never used Twitter but it seems to be at the forefront of social meda in attracting the bottom feeders. Social media in general brings out the best and , sadly, the worst of humanity. I will never understand racism. Patriotism and love of your country of birth should NOT lead to racism or xenophobia but, unfortunately the two seem to be inextricably linked. I don't know what the answer is other than to get tough on Twitter to force them to be more proactive, and faster in deleting closing down those accounts, although the technical challenges remain. It is about time more resources were also put into some police task force on the lines of cyber crime division, to trace the perpetrators. At the moment they seem to feel invulnerable. It stems, in part from Govt/Police tolerant attitude to what they descrive as low level anti-social behaviour, which in reality means one small group of individuals or one single family cause misery to whole estates through vandalism, and intimidation . As an aside I spent a very pleasant evening at our small town square last night with 2-300 Italians plus 4 or 5 England fans eating and drinking and the sheer joy and exuberance during and after match displayed by the Tifosi with no signs of yobbish drunken misbehaviour (lots of hugging handshaking and backslapping all round -even from some people I did not know which I suppose was not that responsible re Covid albeit our region had no reported new cases yesterday) Had they lost I have no doubt the celebrations would have been more subdued but I am equally sure there would have been no trouble and a great night was had by all.
So, our appearance in the final saw an increase in domestic violence (it goes up 26% when England win, and 36% when they lose a normal game, never mind a final), incidences of violence and hooliganism in London before the game, and an increase in levels of racial abuse of several members of the England squad. It *might* be better for society if we never qualify for a major tournament again until as a society we grow the f*ck up. I might spend the day on Twitter getting racists banned and/or sacked.
Fate is truly sick and twisted. Against a fervent whipped up backdrop of hate, racism and xenophobia, fate picks out 3 black players to miss penalties.
I am not one to call someone thick, I'm not the brightest myself ..... but .. in this case, there really are some thick ******** about.
If your defence of racism is "well other countries are racist too" then it doesn't wash with me I'm afraid. A brilliant tournament ruined by English knuckledraggers.
Would have been different if those 3 lads had scored theirs and Kane and Maguire had missed. What would we be reading this morning?