Ffs I bet 90% of them don't got to matches. Why not let them go to matches, where they might see that the vast majority of fans have grown up and entered the 21st century. They might learn from it. The place they need banning from is the INTERNET
I read a lot of Tweets saying that the majority of the abuse was coming from foreign accounts - probably Russians as per usual. Not sure this is THE answer for those in this country doing it as it is labeling the problem as a football problem rather then a societal problem - a cop out in other words.
I know it’s not the real answer and papering over cracks, but with everyone calling for verification on social media sites, why doesn’t someone set one up, sign up a load of celebs to endorse and the crowds will follow
Facebook, Twitter etc should definitely have an online verification system. It is only a matter of time. There will be the usual section of society moaning that it infringes on their human rights though.
That's part of the problem with todays statement mate - how do you go about banning a Russian racist from attending UK games? Whichever team he purports to support. There needs to be two movements - one in which fans can play a part that leads to stadium action, and a more concerted effort online to get rid of the keyboard warriors and bigots.
If any are found to be season ticket holders then yeah they should be banned. I’ve confronted a few in my time at Oakwell with little or support from the stewards. Cut them off at source.
Agree with the comments generally about social media needing better authentication - it's become an absolute cess-pool. I saw a chart showing stats of where racists comments came from, wasn't clear of the trustworthiness of the data but it appeared to show the vast majority came from India and other asian countries. The problem even with that is that on the internet anyone can appear to be from anywhere. Without getting too 'tin-foil hat' about it, it's also pretty credible (to me) for a lot of it to come from state sponsored activities. Information warfare is all to easy on the internet and targeted social media posts can sow seeds of division that end up affecting elections.
I've had words with people, but it goes back to @LouisBalfour 's excellent question yesterday, it is a dilemma. There are a couple of lads sit near us, who are generally good natured and good humoured. On occasion though, when results are bad, performances poor or decisions cause grief, their attitude is less than desirable. I would get lamped if I took action, which in turn would lead to conforntation between myself and other like-minded people, and them and others who take their side. If it turns into a brawl, I'd end up being charged, never mind being ejected from the ground. Until the decent lot start backing up the decent lot, the little folk will continue to raise a voice.
The common argument I've seen against it is that it works against whistleblowers. If your employer was operating in an illegal manner, you could suffer consequences as a result of publishing it - rather than being able to do it anonymously.
yeah I can see that if I weren’t over 6ft with a vaguely psychotic brother in tow I probably wouldn’t say anything which is why I feel like it would be good to weed any out that we can before they actually get in the ground
This is an interesting comment and adds some perspective to the reactionary posts on previous threads. Perhaps they have the same shortcomings in parenthood and education in other parts of the world, strange innit!
Here's one source for what I mentioned, proof of the data is unclear: But adding some credibility, the Premier League's own monitoring of abuse against PL players found that 70% of it came from outside the UK: (English football faces up to global nature of online hate | Reuters)
Let’s not fool ourselves about where the racist people come from I hear racist stuff from Barnsley fans all the time as I’m sure many other clubs do, makes me sick and they all want banning for life end of.
Can we ban them from Parliament too? as for foreign racists etc sowing discord in this country, check this out...
Would a VPN mask location? Just wondered given how they are... ahem.... allegedly used for say watching certain things that are blocked to Uk audiences.
Just to be clear, I wouldn't for one minute claim we don't have racists in this country, and yes they should be banned from games.
You are correct and you will continue to hear it, it's one of those horrible mysteries of life, the point is its not just us & ours. The origin of the species has some of the clues to why this happens. As a footnote to all this having done time on ANTI NF / EDL protests in my shady past I would say generally things are improving. Social media just makes it easier for these misguided people to spout their views, and 24 hour media coverage make it a good way of filling in air time.