It's a bit of a convoluted question, but I reckon it means someone who's only played 9 times for us (but wasn't on the pitch for any of the goals scored in that time). So it'll be a loanee or someone we sparingly used. I was thinking someone like Simeon Jackson.
I'm pretty sure he made more than 9 appearances. And at some point he must have been on the pitch when we scored - he bagged a few himself, didn't he? Or am I misunderstanding the question...? I think we're looking for someone who mostly only came on as sub, quite late in 9 games.
9 appearances. Could be, could be... So did we score while he was on the pitch? Where's @JLWBigLil when you need him?
I'm with you all, don't understand the question. Dependant upon the comprehension of the question I'll give 2 answers to cover all bases. Andy Liddell and Diego Arizmendi
I think it must be someone who has only made 9 appearances, mainly as a sub. When you think about it, if he played more where we scored then it's not a record number of appearances it's just 9 out of 29 for example.. Don't know what our record number of games without a goal is but I bet its not far off 9, in which case there'd be a few players fit the bill if it was just a 9 game spell.
Been thinking it could have been someone who made more than 9 appearances and scored for us. It's a record for being on the pitch for 9 times without a goal going in. Might be a trick question.