The loudest one round here goes with a coo coo coo....coo coo. Which means "your car needs .... cleaning". Another one just does the coo coo coo (without the final two coos). Which I hear as "your time's up". Perhaps your own local one is more amicable.
I'm not too inclined to swap pigeons with you. They're never happy though - I clean the car and this one still criticizes.
Mine is cooing I'd taste nice with roast potatoes , veg , Yorkshire puds and Gravy. At least that what it sounds like at 5 in the morning
I was saying just the other day, I`m fed up of all these Siskins, Redpolls & Fieldfares coming to my bird table.Could do with a few more Pigeons & Starlings.
Come and Nick a couple of mine that visit. 3 buggers bullying’t Robins. Blackbirds, Finches and sparrers. Ar lass spends more on bird food than food for me. TBH. I’ve recently moved, where we get more feathered visitors and also been sorted with hearing aids. The sounds are amazing, summat I’d not heard for many a year.
They don't really coo much, just hoover up the seeds dropped by the goldfinches and blue/great tits. I'm surprised they can get off the ground, the fat shits.