Id be extremely mindful that artificial grass gets alot hotter than ordinary grass.. and can pose a severe health risk to pets.. So if it going to be used by an animal id stick to grass.. or perhaps decking/paving?
I've seen that graphic several times and honestly, it's propaganda. I've had artificial grass since 2012 and not once, even in the height of summer has it been too hot to walk barefoot on. I get the environmental arguments against it but I've enjoyed my garden more for having it.
Have you considered sowing wildflower seeds and letting nature take over that patch? Once they get going they'll reseed each year. It'll look lovely. You'll just need to pull up the occasional weed or two. Or your gardener will.
Hiya mate, thats very interesting.. ill check tomorrow.. i had artificial grass at the front of the house.. just to save the mowing on what is about 1 meter square and didnt want the unkept look.. but round the back ive got a lawn.. so ill get the non contact thermometer out tomorrow and test the theory.. (and post images if i can figure out how) Edge of your seat stuff it might not be.. but ill update with my findings. (Ill make sure both are in direct sunlight at the time to try and make it as accurate as possible)
Oh aye, a wild flower garden, what a load of cobblers this is. Possibly may look good for two weeks in June then certainly will look 5hit for the other 50 weeks of the year.
Plastic grass should be banned from the face of the earth. If you can't resist, consider complimenting with some pink, cream, and blue, stone cladding.
When I see plastic grass for sale in the shops, along with every second person on the high street with a giant vehicle called warrior, or savage 3 or something that looks designed to transport kangaroos to market, I think as a species we deserve everything coming to us
But nowhere near as 5hit as artificial grass. Besides, not all plants flower at the same time, and there are plenty that flower for a lot longer than two weeks. I take your point, though - it might look a bit rough at certain times of year, but once the season's done just cut it all back.
Some very judgmental posts on this thread. People will have all sorts of different reasons for choosing artifical grass. I would wager if those who are objecting so vociferously examined some of their own lifestyle choices from a Purley environmental standpoint they would find themselves far from perfect.
I don't doubt for a second the artificial grass would be hotter, it has no means other than the air to dissipate heat - just not scaldingly hot. We only had it put down because my wife started a childminders business from home and the drainage/mud etc,etc makes it a far more practical choice - but I'm utterly sold on it. When we expanded our garden buying some more from a neighbour I didn't hesitate to put it down again.
We chose to get artificial grass last year because we have two toddlers & I must say it’s been a revelation!
This is one of these increasing times where I'm with Brian Wilson. I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
I guess though other people talk about being judgmental... I just see plastic getting everywhere as Dannywilson'slovechild said really well earlier. Plastic is in tap water , food, everywhere. The whole food chain relies on pollinators which need grass and flowers. In even a small or medium garden you can foster so much life- it's amazing. Regardless of the aesthetic (which I think is ugly as hell) , it's a needlessly selfish act which impacts on nature and thus on everyone else ultimately. This is the way of the world and people want their own easy patch of sanitised Earth. Or businesses create the new plastic norms and make people think they need it. Sorry, it's one of those phenomenon of our doomed times that makes me angry.