Too late, the damage will have already been done...again! How could they not have foreseen such an obvious negative public reaction.
Yes thats the thing with the scientists they look at it purely from a scientific point of view and rightly so its their job' but theres a bigger picture' theres thousands of people with mental issues teetering on the brink and theres small business owners that have their entire life savings invested in their business etc' the problem is the uk media constantly report on the negativity the experts say this the experts say that' a prime example being "we now have the highest infection rate in Europe" but choose not to add that we are testing 20x more people than anywhere else'right now we need some positivity and balanced reporting...
Have you seen the scam that school kids are pulling? Dipping their test in orange juice, or similar, and it's returning a pos result. Yippee, more time off school.....
Thanks. He's due to leave in a day or two, still quite weak, but compared to where he was 2 weeks ago he's doing OK.
I have - these kids are 5 though. Also teaching a few with long covid. Schools ask for second test after first one but of course every paper running with orange juice story
School doesn’t send contacts home until a positive PCR test has been confirmed so it would get that child a day off school but wouldn’t affect anyone else.
Exactly- I was informed I had been in contact with a positive case on Friday then received a text saying it had been confirmed by the PCR test and I had to isolate
While it's disgusting that Johnson and Sunak were trying to circumnavigation the rules, the rules themselves are even more ludicrous Boris Johnson, a man who has had Covid, is fully vaccinated, has no symptoms, and has tested negative, has been forced to isolate. I hope he now sees the ridiculousness of the NHS “ping” regime and changes it fast. Not mention the nonsense of vaccine passports.
A clear indication of the decline in popularity of De Pfeffel over the last few weeks. Had this been a month ago, there would have been no U turn....
Well we are in isolation. After our trip to Wembley my son started feeling a bit off it on Wednesday, positive PCR test and we are isolating. Only thing for it is to sit on the sofa and watch the golf. In positive news infections in Scotland are falling rapidly. Scotland’s rise in infections occurred before England and hopefully acts as an indicator of what is to come in England.
I think the number of people now deleting the NHS App is increasing. I know a few who have and todays gov position swung it for some i know. I know a friend who has had on average 3 calls a day from T&T. Plus additional calls from council all in the last two weeks. His isolation has changed daily from this week to end of September and he has filled in the same form 5-6 times. I admire his patience but i think its now run out.
Of course they foresaw the reaction. They're f***ing incompetent, but I can't believe for a second they weren't sat down and told "this will utterly destroy any kind of compliance with self-isolation for contacts of infected people." The U-turn has little impact, the horse bolted. It was a choice, and a message they wished to send. They don't want contacts of infected people to isolate any more, they want them to spread the virus as rapidly as possible so we reach the peak of the epidemic curve as quickly as possible. Hundreds of years of public health best practice, pissed up the wall in an instant. At least have the balls to admit what your strategy is. I'm not an expert and can't call whether it's right or wrong, but at least be honest. The world is watching. I absolutely loathe our government, but on this I've never hoped more that they're right. If they're not, they haven't just f***ed our country, but the f***ing planet. If unrestricted growth doesn't result in mutations in a 50% vaccinated population, then nothing will and this is the way to go. If it does, the global vaccines push is undermined and we breed new mutations that send us all back to lockdowns and restrictions for years to come. (with no apologies for the asterisks. It's quite an emotive topic) For what it's worth, I feel so sorry for the businesses, the NHS departments. the frontline public health staff who are charged with continuing to promote the basic line that if you're proven to have a highly infectious disease, the people you've been in contact ought to take some measures to prevent its spread. They've been utterly hung out to dry today.
One thing I don't understand, well there's many with this government but here's one. If we're saying that it's better to get the wave out of the way in the summer when people are outdoors, hospitals are quiet etc, then why did we delay the re-opening by a month from June to today?
They can't be going for that though can they? Don't get me wrong - i can see the logical flow in your argument, but if you were right we'd have been open from June 21.
If you have been pinged you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive. Why aren't we trying to find the people carrying on merrily in spite of testing positive and giving them a summons?
It's hard to see any other interpretation of what we're seeing. Fair point about the earlier date, but I suspect when that decision was made, the thinking and balance of power shifted to where I believe it is now. Perhaps that's why the health secretary was removed?