2 lateral for the England games in Middlesbrough 1 lateral Friday PCR Saturday Wembley variant ♂️ Double jabbed and feel absolutely dreadful. Work (from home) in 3 hours and can’t sleep
0 But wish they were around Xmas/new year 2019/20. Hospitalised with all the symptoms. In isolation for days on oxygen. Drip. Very high temperature. Loss of taste and smell. I got the impression they weren’t sure what I had. Told influenza type A.? A couple of hrs before I was let out. I’ve had influenza previously. ( not a heavy cold, feeling crap. there’s a massive difference if you’ve never had it, You’ll definitely know if you have) But this felt different,
Sewage in Paris from October/November 2019 was tested for COVID and returned a positive result, so it's not out of the question.
Father in law was exactly the same, he was in hospital Christmas 2019, we collected him on Christmas Day, he had all the same symptoms,
My Mrs is convinced she had it in November 2019. All the symptoms as you say. The worst 'flu' she's ever had. She's had confirmed Covid-19 since and wasn't as poorly.
2 PCR tests and lots of lateral flow ones. Had Covid in November 2020 and am now double jabbed so hoping I can avoid it or at least not get poorly with it. For then record I've also had to self isolate 4 times including the time I actually had Covid.
Do you mean PCR or LF? Had loads of LF tests when work were basically mandating them. But once they became optional I didn't bother.
Put mockers on me this thread I did one at Christmas at a test centre for the safety of family mixing on Christmas Day and to experience one as well to see what they are like. But I have took one today as someone I have been in contact with has been in contact with a few people who have tested positive. Thankfully it was negative for me.
11 PCR tests ( I do a monthly one for the ONS + I did one additional one for Imperial College + one when I went into hospital for an op) just finished my first box of lateral flow tests which I have taken occasionally over the last couple of months before meeting up with people - will probably carry on at around 1 per week for a while yet
Had a lateral flow test yesterday since we were having a visit from a man from Bournmouth bearing the gift of a gearbox....
Genuine question, why would you not bother? Isn’t the purpose of taking them purely for the benefit of other people’s safety? Whether you do a test or not doesn’t impact on whether you have it or not or how badly your reaction will be, it just means that if you are positive without knowing then you won’t infect anyone else.