Yeah this thread started as a parody of yours Paddy and Murphy . However, since actually reading the "article" it's more like an advertisement. How have they got away with this?
Right at bottom of article: Commercial content notice: Taking up one of these offers may result in a payment to The Telegraph. Over 18s only.
panorama programme on tonight about racehorses being sent to slaughter houses, you would think bookies would pay more to make sure racehorses have a retirement somewhere
Football in England is controlled by the ‘Premiership’, not the governing bodies. The Prem is in hock to Sky/BT who are reliant on the betting companies for their income stream, more than they are from subscriptions. There are 500+ suicides per annum in UK of pathological gamblers. There is moral dilemma for the government, but as for the rest that dilemma doesn’t exist.
In a Swedish butcher's shop, if you ask for 'hamburger', you either get the minced-up stuff which you then form into burgers yourself, or the already-shaped discs. If you ask for 'hamburger meat', you get roasted, coloured horse flesh. Swedes I know could not understand why the Tesco horsemeat scandal was such a thing here - horse flesh is not an everyday dinner item there, but it is pretty common.
I'm not sure why we're so squeamish about eating horse in the UK. Had it in Verona (and Donkey) and I quite enjoyed it. Mind you, some people are squeamish about eating deer and rabbit too, so I suppose its relatively in the same genre.
I think it is the perceived cuteness/intelligence/magnificence factor of the animal. Horses form the main part of the so-called sport of kings, and so people feel bad about consuming them. Similarly, rabbits are cute, and the donkey sanctuary in Devon(?) rakes in millions - was it 2015 when they took more money than Help for Heroes? But, in the vernacular, your house can be a pigsty, and a woman can be a silly cow - those animals do not have the supposed value of a horse, for whatever reason.
Strange how people are influenced by certain things. Rabbit and venison are probably two of my favourite meats.
My Dad God rest his soul was convinced that during the war that he was fed horse meat by the army, he always said that it was definitely not beef or any other traditional meat & would argue for ever that it was horsemeat & said rations were that poor he used to look forward to it !!