I'd add to this 1.4 Litre 4 cylinder cars from 2003 deliberately made to sound like Bugattis to compensate for the owner's lack of something else
Thats the pillocks that meet up at Cortonwood, do a few handbrake turns in B&Q carpark then race up to the roundabout and back down. Sooner or later they'll be involved in a fatal crash... Not all of them. Many just meet up to talk about their cars. Just the pillocks.
Fireworks! I find them absolutely terrifying. Give responsible authorities a quota to do a proper public display a couple of times a year and then ban them otherwise.
In 2009 I was walking through the industrial area of Sheffield. A modified annoying car with three gentlemen inside sped past me and threw a carton of ketchup at me. They rounded a corner and I heard a loud bang. They’d gone straight into a roundabout island at 70mph and instantly left this mortal coil. I felt evil for thinking ‘karma’, but it was hard to feel overwhelming sympathy