I'm a pretty logical person, but can I ask if I've got this right? From tonight anyone can go into a packed out nightclub, no restrictions at all, and can do so for the next 10 weeks? (mind you they'd be pretty knackered) That's the amount of time until the end of September which the Chief Clown has announced this afternoon will be when people have to prove being double jabbed? 10 weeks unrestricted contact between hundreds of thousands of people, with a restriction put in ten weeks in the future. What is the bloody point?
yes, that just about sums it up. Absolutely crazy, but we will probably be in another lock down by then so no need to worry
I would imagine that its because some young people haven't been offered the vaccine yet and it would be seen as discrimination whereas in sept they we all have been offered it and if they chose not to get it its their tough luck ..
We needed to get to this point. i.e. we need to open areas of the economy that have been closed for 16 months. Not just clubs, but weddings & funerals, etc. How it has been rolled out, the messaging from our frankly despicable government, that bend the rules for their own personal interests & the lack of a proper roadmap going forward are the problems I have with the Boris Johnson Party.
Apparently you can just go to a walk-in centre and get one without booking.Now in other countries they are finding that a lot of young people are having heart problems so they are now not taking the vaccine.So where do they go from there.
Thats going to be the issue over here' the vaccine uptake is plummeting already yet the scientists are saying that we need to get all the younger people vaccinated' so what happens if they won't?' compulsory vaccines or permanent restrictions seem like the only options..
I don't think the government have lost the plot, they never had it to start with, but they've certainly lost their shield. Hancock done for and the media have certainly changed their tone. I think DePfeffel is done for, it's just a case of when they decide to topple him. The public sentiment for him has largely been propped up by the Brexit vote, but the constant over promising, under delivering and then lying he's under delivered or that things happened despite blatant evidence has worn extremely thin. You can't speak with forked tongue for long before you've alienated too many people.
I was going to say that the government has lost the plot but I think they are still on the "Herd Immunity" plot they were in last February....
Doesn't make much sense. Nor does health workers not having to isolate if they've been double jabbed, given the need to keep healthcare settings COVID free.
The real question is …. now we have the facts: If the vaccine doesn’t stop you catching Covid and doesn’t stop you spreading the virus why the restriction at all? Same with the idea muted for those returning from holiday in amber countries …. If you’ve been double jabbed you don’t have to quarantine!
The Media hold the key and they haven’t done with depfeffel yet . The Sun newspaper got rid of Hancock , all the blundering and cost of loved ones lives couldn’t get rid of him because it wasn’t in the popular media interest . They needed a sacrificial lamb to take the pressure off so they decided on Hancock . No doubt they’ll be sitting on loads of **** that could bring down any minister but not till the time is right for them . The Red wall is proof that these Media barons hold the key to the kingdom .
Essentially it is Essentially it is' he seems to be forcing their hands come sept' no doubt he would do it now but a lot haven't been offered 2 vaccinations so would cry discrimination' its a bad situation with the uptake atm i believe there was only 16000 1st jabs yesterday' if a few million young people refuse it we could be in bother...