Some dogs love water and will splash and play for ages with hosepipes etc but our Finch does a runner when I water the garden. What is your way of cooling them down with water without frightening the pants off them? If a pool is a good idea where do you get them and what type and size?
Yes we have one but Florence (dog in my picture) doesn't often go in. She usually drinks from it, or jumps in from time to time. She has a dog specific one from Pets at Home but to be honest its not that great as she has ripped it. Not sure what breed you have but Florence as a big clumsy idiot rips them so easily. If you are going to get a pool for the dog, I would suggest one of the plastic tub style ones for kids as it will last much much longer. Lots of dog owners use them and they are much more sturdy. This is what I will be doing soon. If your dog hates water, then you can get cool mats and cool coats which work. Florence has a cool coat which we use a lot. Example of one here - you just wet them under tap, squeeze off excess water and put it on the dog to cool them down. Or to save a few quid, just wet a tea towel and put it on your dog when its asleep. You can also give them ice cream, ice cubes or frozen stuff to east/chew on. Frozen carrots are good for example.
We have a 20 month Labrador who loves the water. My wife ordered from Amazon - first a small size then a larger one!! Likes both.
Not got one as I dont have a dog but you can get them from Amazon or pet shops eg
Our dog loves the water, we cannot keep her out of streams, lakes etc, but when it comes to the paddling pool we bought for her, absolutely no chance! The cat just thinks it’s a big water bowl
I do. Without fail every dog so far has been scared of it initially but then gets in fine if you follow a set procedure. We didn’t do that with the first one and it was much much harder! 1) Get the pool out WITH NO WATER IN IT!! 2) Sit with the dog right next to the pool and stroke it and give it a few treats. 3) Pick up the hose pipe WITH IT TURNED OFF! and feed the dog a couple of treats/stroke. 4) Move the hosepipe around WITH IT TURNED OFF! and feed the dog a couple of treats/stroke. 5) Turn the hose pipe on to a small trickle over the pool and feed the dog a few treats/stroke. If it reacts turn it off and go back to stroking then try it again. If it’s still scared that’s enough for today and try again from step 3 tomorrow. If it’s ok moved on to step 6. 6) Splash the water from the hosepipe around in the pool so it makes a noise. Feed some treats whilst making the noise but don’t do too loud/too many splashes together at once. Make sure there’s still only a tiny layer of water in the bottom after this. If it reacts leave it on but stop splashing and go back to stroking then try it again. If it’s still scared that’s enough for today and try again from step 5 tomorrow. If it’s ok move on to step 7. 7) Throw a treat in the pool. It’s ok if your dog can reach it without getting in. Throw a couple more with some just out of reach. Encourage your dog with an excited, happy voice (not demanding or frantic) every time they lift one paw off the ground. This may take some time. If it starts to get upset that’s enough for today and try again from step 5 tomorrow. If it’s ok move on to step 8. 8) If your pup is lifting its leg and eventually letting a paw touch the water praise it and throw another treat JUST A LITTLE BIT FURTHER IN. Throw another one the second it eats it to keep up momentum and interest in the treats until it is fully in. 9) Praise dog whilst in then hold a treat outside the pool and as it climbs out to get it say ‘out’ and praise it and give it a treat. Don’t say the command before it starts getting out, or after it has done so, say it at the exact time it is climbing out. 10) Throw another treat back into the pool and it should get back in a bit quicker this time (but will probably still circle it a bit and lift one paw up and down for a while). At the moment it puts its back leg in say ‘in’ and praise it and give it a treat. Repeat step 9 and 10 a few times until it understands the phrases ‘in’ and ‘out’, this will make it much easier in future. Stick to a tiny layer of water today and build up to larger amounts of water over a few days. When you’ve gone too deep for its comfort, wait a day and then go back to a LOWER level than it was happy with before and build up again.
We got this from Amazon a year ago. The dogs won't get in it of their own free will, but it's quite sturdy and has survived thus far.
That’s the one we have. I was going to post a pic but I had to reset my phone and lost 6 months of pics and no longer have the ones of Whitney in the pool with her squeaky toy duck
We got one from Poundland (For£ 3) Just the right size for my dog & cheap enough to get another one when he destroys it.
Our 6 year old lab absolutely adores water. He has a pool but loves it when the hosepipe is out and barks to encourage us to turn the hosepipe on him. The origins of the breed are rooted in the fishing communities of Eastern Canada and they are adapted for life in the water with their otter-like tail, webbed feet and waterproof outer coat.
I use a cheap inflatable kiddies pool. Dog goes in periodically but doesn't go and lay in it. Ironic really, when we're out she's straight in any muddy puddle or stream/river.