I agree with the vaccine and I am double-jabbed. I agreed with the logic of the lockdowns. The huge expansion of the testing facility smells to high heaven. What is the point? Believe me, you know if you've got Covid. And who are the test providers? Who is paying for all the tests? (Travellers aside). Who is profiting from them? There is something seriously rank going on here.
Having returned twice to these shores this year I have certainly paid heavily for this testing scam. You cannot even be sure that you are going to get the packages paid for. The whole process is a money making scandal on a huge scale. With businesses and individuals in dire financial straits throughout all of this the pharmaceutical giants are raking it in. I wonder if HMRC is getting a share of this? (I bet they aren’t!)
"Testing is unnecessary because I felt **** when I had covid". I don't even know where to start with that one.
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/...y-out-uk-covid-test-company-mologic-70c3r736b bill gates buying up uk diagnostics company mologic.... our MPs with shares in PPE, testing, geosequencing, vaccine companies. the list goes on Follow the money! said all along yes there is a nasty bug going around yes it can be fatal yes some people are more at threat than others - but that applies to a lot of influenza type virus yes some people dont even know they have it whether asymptomatic transfer passes on enough viral load to be dangerous is another thing..... but they based the whole lockdowns off the back of that and brought in all this control of the population. the whole testing, lockdowns, masks, geo-sequencing, PCR, lateral flow, anotbody antigen, travel rules... and now the covid vax have all been brought in for certain groups of people to make serious serious cash and now a threat to our very freedoms and privacy. The vax passport is the thin end of the wedge and as it was greatly put in a news broadcast i saw earlier, how much will it take for the people full supporting this to become uncomfortable with it. The scenes in france, uk and now even australia show people are reaching their limit. Too many red flags here for my liking.
So what happened to all these testing sites for the government to say... they are setting up more for this test to work scheme instead of isolation.... mmmmm
More testing centres,more positive results to put on tv reports frightening more people then ending up in another lockdown it’s never ending.
This is why testing will never stop. Because too many billions are there to be made from it and those involved in it won't want the money tree to end.
All I am intending to imply is that I haven't had a Covid test and nor will I be doing so. I am fortunate in that I don't have to be anywhere where a test is a requirement. Beyond that, I think the testing is being pushed beyond necessity to a population which is speeding towards being mostly double-jabbed. That, I suspect is because there are vested interests in paying certain groups of people to mass-produce the testing kits. I have two at home, sent with my prescriptions, which I didn't ask for. Someone has paid for them.
I know there's other examples of this from people on the BBS, but for my girlfriend to fly here for a ten day stay the other week it cost: - £120 for a pre-flight test - £149 for pre-booked day two and day eight tests - £120 for a test to release day five test - £120 for a pre-flight home test For a virus with a 99.5% survivability rate and a test that costs £20 in other parts of the world. And some people struggle with questioning the motives of lockdowns and control? Certain industries are making an absolute mint from this and not being questioned by the majority - the media being one of them. The company for the Day 2/8 tests never sent the result back for the first one until I rang them, and the second one just never came through but didn't matter anyway as she'd already gone.
I have had several covid tests 1 I had no choice as I had to be tested to be admitted to hospital for an op I also have a monthly PCR test as I am part of the ONS survey - its hard to argue this isnt a good idea that there is data available on infections throughout the country I also have voluntarily taken rapid flow tests when planning to meet up with people especially before visiting my Dad - Id rather not find out after the event I had taken Covid with me. I just finished my first box of 7 and will take one on Friday before going up on Saturday. I would plan to continue whilst there are relatively high covid rates near me and I am making regular hospital visits for Physio
This is where something is seriously wrong - someone is being ripped off seriously here - I dont know the true cost of a PCR test but its not the wrong side of £100 thats for sure. I also dont know the cost of a rapid flow test as for domestic use these are currently free though these cant be used for international travel - though I cant understand why not
I’ve just had my first Covid tests, a lateral flow and a PCR. Broke my holiday camping in Eskdale (after finding she was positive) to take the PCR on my way home. Did the lateral flow for peace of mind before the PCR result came through. This after my mum (90 going on 91) tested positive (lateral flow). I’d been with her 5 days previous. She’d complained she felt like she had hay fever. I’d told her it must be the heat nobody develops hay fever at 90. Never occurred it could be Covid. She went on to loose her sense of smell and taste. So thankfully mild symptoms for her, easy to be contagious and unaware. Really grateful this happened after she’d been double jabbed also very grateful for the availability and zero cost of testing. It’s important not to charge and make these tests only for those that can afford and choose to spend money. I don’t care that travellers in and out of the country are being charged. Travel is a decision you make knowing the costs.
As far as I know, you can have Covid without any severe symptoms? Fortunately though, I can't speak from my own experience!
Thats the problem with it - it can give no or very slight symptoms through to really severe ones needing ICU care or even be fatal. only way to know for sure is a test. Problem as well at the moment is the symptoms for double jabbed seem similar to hay fever in quite a few people so if you already get hay fever I assume its hard to tell.
So short sighted and selfish. Travel, for many, can be the only way to see loved ones and some people are being stopped from seeing new born grandchildren, partners, siblings, etc.
I totally agree that the testing price is ridiculous and exploitative and really needs looking into, but I really wish people would stop throwing around numbers like 99.5%. Frankly if that is the true number would mean 350,000 people dead in the UK from Covid. Hardly something to be dismissive about in the way that you have been there.