He's a great example of the difference between Knowledge and wisdom. He may be able to throw out some Latin and use vocabulary most of us find alien but that's not a sign of any kind of degree of critical thinking that would benefit the job he remarkably occupies
https://reaction.life/jeremy-vine-my-boris-story/ Probably some element of both, but his image of the harmless buffoon is deliberately and carefully created.
He plays to it and he tries very hard to suppress his own frustrations. But what is seen as a construct is seemingly very close to the reality, his buffoonery and bluster is there to gloss over his complete inability to grasp detail. But it's certainly not carefully created. The three people I've spoken to previously who had direct knowledge about him (not regularly, so these were very much in passing), one was in comms who worked in Whitehall. One, a political journalist who was at portcullis house more often than not. The other, and a contact of a contact of a contact.... was PA for William Hague. They were very consistent in their views of him.
Christ if that is what actually is the case then it makes things even worse. A serious gathering to remember people who have died while doing their job and this idiot acts the fool. Hard to imagine this to be the case. But it might be as this govt and our leaders seem to all lack human decency.
I'm starting to suspect almost a split personality - Alexander (what his family call him) and Boris (public persona) and he has almost got to the stage where these are separate. One can say one thing and the other can deny it as he didn't say it. Alexander is more serious (but still incompetent) and Boris is more clown-like. The U-turns come when one persona makes a decision then the other makes the opposite decision. Almost like a rubbish version of Harvey Dent/Two Face in Batman. Although based on the latest rantings from Cummings, it appears that the decisions were based on focus groups and opinion polls rather than actual decision based on evidence, rational or even just gut feels.
He does put on an act though. His favourite was to turn up all flustered, running late when he was due to give a speech He'd do this thing of saying" gosh, where am I the right wing joiners association and then rattle off a brilliant speech, supposedly off the cuff. Did it one too many times though and got caught out by someone who'd seem the exact routine and speech before. See the story has already been posted with the source!
I think we're in different territory now though, and the act is much closer to his true self than what people seem to realise. As PM he has to think on his feet, have to be well briefed and very aware of lots of things all at once. He can't do it. When he was Mayor, he was AWOL for long periods. He could spend a week writing his Telegraph column, or going to do an after dinner speech etc. Or lining up his latest conquest (god knows how!) As foreign secretary, unless a crisis emerged, he was under the radar and could do similar. I very much suspect he's coveted PM for many years and been egged on by others to do it. What we see now is more of the true dePfeffel. Policies are incoherent, uturns are plentiful, lies spill forth with every breath. There isn't anywhere to hide. His lies are less effective because of public record. All he has left is ruffling his hair and being an idiot. That's pretty much all he's ever had.
This is a brilliant post (yours, not mine). If he'd been eating such a sarnie, probably in even a more gruesome way, it wouldn't matter . Firstly because of the way it'd have been sold to the country, by the right biased print media , as opposed to how Miliband's escapade was sold. Secondly, because Boris is a comedian, it doesn't matter how he eats a sarnie. If he can that is. The trick is humour.
The problem still remains. If there was an election tomorrow, its inconceivable to vote for these criminals who currently occupy number 10 and I could never bring myself to do so but there isn't an opposition party. It would therefore have to be greens or such like which is a waste of time. Christ I hate current politics.
There is an opposition , just because the Tory media say things doesn’t make em true . The only time Murdoch and chums will acknowledge a labour leadership is if that leadership stops protecting workers rights etc . a relative had texted me this morning to say that the Sun newspaper instead of attacking the inept , comical , corrupt government it’s done a piece on Starmer . It just goes to show if they can’t print anything good about this shambles then attack the opposition instead the masses will lap it up .
The sad part about this though; Ed Milliband is extremely bright and also very funny as well as being a nice bloke. Whereas the boorish Johnson is a clown. One of them would make a fab dinner party guest, the other would be ‘life and soul’ but you’d realise it’s just an act, and that he’s just making you laugh to keep away from the fact there’s no substance.
Michael Foot got absolute dog's abuse in the media for a far milder misdemeanour in a similar situation. It practically ruined him. But Labour...
I keep seeing them in shops so unless they’re for display only then yes I would imagine they do . Not just newspapers though they have news channels , social media targeting sites etc etc .