Change for no one. Their problem. Anyway you can slag them rotten and they would only smile back as they can’t understand you.
Not as simple as that though is it? If you speak and no bugger can understand you what's the point of even making noise? Similarly if you work for a national or multinational company it can easily affect your career prospects if you're not understandable.
As the initial poster of this thread, I'm intrigued firstly why you would post it. It just seems a bit patronising.
Only time I've ever heard it. Is from opposing fans. Trying to mock us. Especially cockneys. I have on the very rare occasion used it missen. To mi dee dar mates as an exclamation of surprise. As in. "Ee bar gum. A dint know that" to try raise a chuckle. When we tek pee out of each others accents.
Had that happen to me. With a scotsman in a hotel in Bournemouth trying to pass some friendly, idle chat . He probably preferred talking to the wall than me, lol. (After I'd tried to explain. I was struggling with his accent.)
Happened to me in Ibiza many moons back , Trying to chat a Northern Irish lass up. After about ten minutes as she was leaving the pub she came up to my face and ina NI accent said I haven’t understood a fekin word you’ve said , goodbye . I wonders why she wasn’t laughing at my best jokes
Possibly ! No body laughs at em in Barnsley so you could have a point although I’m sticking with the accent
I left the area at 18, Newcastle, London and Cambridge before settling in the East Midlands, my accent fades but comes back strong when I return home.
The fact you can admit to going to see Bon Jovi, earns my respect. The fact that you went to see Bon Jovi, loses it again.
I'm proud of my accent... my roots... and I take great pleasure that, in most places where I work in West Yorkshire, I get asked "are you from Barnsley?"