Is it? I thought it was light hearted and showed Barnsley in a good light. Everyone was friendly and fun in the video and as our town isn’t often in the news I thought people from here might like to see it.
Barnsli ort tarn for short. . Chuffin fans sing "Barnzerlee. barnzerlee , barnzerlee" 2 chuffin syllables, not 3. I think folk see a lot of humour in our accent. And that comes across as warmth. Wouldn't change it for the world. Only to assist folk who struggle. As someone else said. Pointless in having a conversation, if not.
First thing a fellow Tarner says after hearing the accent . “Weer abarts in Tarn yer frum?” Only us Tarners know what Tarn means IMO it’s not as well known as say Toon which you associate straight away with Newcastle .
The amusing thing is; when I lived in London, I was invited to a wedding where the bride's family originated from Carlisle and Preston. We were all put on the same table seeing as "you're all norverners and will get on". Five mins in and it started ...."Baaaaaaarnsli " and not in an affectionate way Suffice to say there was pea flicking both ways !
funny thing is the barnsley accent is it's unique to yorkshire itself, as are other dialects to gods own but the amount of times i've been abroad and told "i bet you're from barnsley" from those from other parts of the UK, the wife's rovrem accent (if there is one) never gets picked up on guessing the "r'much" comment gives mine away too, i even had an argument with a thurnscoe lad this week over tea cakes, he said they're definitely bread cakes despite my potts bakery label and tea cakes are what posh folk have!
I swear I went to South Elmsall once and their barnsley accent was more thicker than people in the barnsley area. Might be to do with it been a strong pit village what had loads of folk from tarn working there
It’s not just us with Barns a lee , relegated Prem teams are taunted with Que sera sera whatever will be will be You’re going to Barns a lee Que Sera sera
Them people who say to who us....baaaaaaaaaaaarnsley....are the worst people ever. When someone says it to me, I go leet at them haha
Premier league clubs. 2022/23. Singing " We're going to Barns a lee" does have a nice ring to it, I suppose.
As broad as my accent is, I have never had a problem with talking a bit slower and clearer to be able to be understood. In my former work I spoke to people from all over the UK on the phone, I spoke in a slower, more deliberate manner so as to be understood first time, one older colleague accused me of being ‘false’ for doing this, saying I ‘should be myself’. I argued I am being myself and not false because I’m being honest and providing the advice I am being paid to give. Colleague wouldn’t have it, so I lost it a bit and gave him a bollocking in broad Barnsley for accusing me of being false And not doing my job.