There is very little care going on from this government, who seem more concerned with the rhetoric and saving face (but too much has transpired for that!). I agree the polarisation isn’t helpful and I apologise if I personally come across that way at any point, it’s never my intention. I hope things improve for your wife and she is okay in the long run. A lot more needs to be done regarding long-COVID and the government would do well to invest in more studies and support/care in that area rather than petty, political point scoring and procrastinating over decisions.
I have problems with all areas of capitalism and who gains and exploits from it. But greater problems with people not taking a test that could save a persons life.
Not if you get really ill and struggle to breathe? That sort of no tests. Braver than me. That’s your choice. We all have to live with our actions and their consequences
doesn’t mean anything. No one knows how the long the jab lasts for. If you were one of the first any immunity conferred may already be in the process of being lost. We need to wait for the science to confirm if annual boosters are needed like the flu. Difficult for anyone to say anything with any degree of certainty. We are currently at 40% of those in ICU having had both jabs.
Short sighted and selfish? No I don’t think so, maybe a bit quick on the keyboard, not enough care with my words. I was trying to express that I find it hard to sympathise with folk flying and complaining of being financially penalised. I should have been more explicit. We have to stop flying so much. Hence my comment. Penalising folk for flying isn’t the ideal way to reduce flights and even if this is how we choose to reduce flying it should be through a specific tax and not by inflated test charging. But hey whatever, anything that reduces flights is good by me. This on a day where scientists tell us we have now passed the tipping point and face the disappearance of permanent ice in the North Pole with the feed forward affect of methane from the exposed permafrost. Shortsighted?
The first one was a lockdown. All the subsequent ones were just pointless all they served to do was inflict harm upon different groups of people with different issues. Now if you want to see a real Lockdown the Aussies have they covered.
Shouldn't we all be getting tested for all kinds of viruses then? Because believe it or not other infections kill people too.
if they are killing millions of people globally and hundreds of thousands in the U.K. and we have the capacity to do so then yes of course. We should give the flu jab to everyone as a country we can certainly afford to.
China and Australia are the two states that lockdown could absolutely be used to describe their efforts. As for the Christmas onwards restrictions, given more died of covid in that wave than the first, there was probably some point in trying to keep people more separated to aim to reduce transmission given the vaccination process was very much in its infancy.
Yes. And as much as you referenced things that support the planet you didn't actually respond to anything I said about people seeing loved ones. I can only assume that everyone you need to see lives nearby, so therefore travelling doesn't affect you.
Fiar enough and I certainly agree on the Flu jab. So we have to accept that as a society we have been incredibly ignorant about the spread of viruses previously and the people we have let die as a result. People testing positive for Flu should be self isolating too. Or is the cut off hundreds of thousands of deaths no tens of thousands of deaths? Just to be clear I'm just curious as to what people's views are on this. As ultimately all the responses to Covid are based on what our morality tells us is acceptable.
I don't disagree about calling our restrictions afterwards lockdowns is a massive stretch. Though the negative impacts were still incredibly far reaching and just as devastating for those caught up by them. I don't know as I would feel any better living in Australia though (weather aside!) Knowing that at any moment you face been locked down so harshly again. The thought of the military on the streets would truly frightening to me. I'm certainly no expert but even if they do get the vaccine roll out sorted, I would assume they are likely to face a exit wave and further rises in cases like we have seen and expect to see in the winter. Ha I get themselves up as not accepting any cases of the disease I don't see a way out with the same mantra.
If we are in the middle of an extreme flu event (happened twice in about 30 years I think) we should absolutely get people to self isolate. We should also pay a reasonable amount of sick pay and not encourage people to turn up to work spluttering germs over everyone.
The sick pay thing is one of the biggest issues isn't it. People will continue to go to work because they have to. I've never believed people would take advantage of sick pay in the way its suggested too. Of course some people would but I bet it would be a fraction of the cost that forcing actual sick people to go to work leads to be eventual widespread absence. In My experience even with sick pat it's a bigger challenge getting people to stay off as they feel they should go to work and "solider on"