Me too In all seriousness, though, for a fee of that size, I can't believe they've not offered an instalment plan.
Introducing CITY+ a Man City subscription to access ... CITY+ costs £1.99 a month, after your 30-day free trial. You can cancel anytime and will not be charged if you cancel before the end of your trial. Use your subscription to access CITY+ content across all Man City platforms: Web, App and TV. I'm getting bored with this myself now, but just to let you see what I've seen !! Now where's my application for a City season ticket ..... should get top priority once I've paid my £1.99.
I don't see anywhere on the link you've posted that it mentions a free trial. Am I just blind or is it not actually on there?
No delight at all. Merely pointed out that you should see the weekend out before throwing toys out of the pram...
When a Yorkshireman thinks he's been conned out of £1.99, then throwing toys out of the pram is perfectly acceptable. In fact, having emptied the pram, he's allowed to jump up and down on it until it's as flat as a pancake, then throw it in the nearest canal.