Schopp said he would need to see more from him in a recent interview. Writing was on the wall from that point on.
I'm most concerned that its another loss this period. Mowatt (couldn't do anything about), Sollbauer, Chaplin and now Ritzmaier. The losses will vary in degrees, but given we're supposedly reliant on making profits on players to elevate the calibre of players we can buy, it's something of a concern.
Cynical question: If we have invested the money brought in from Ismael to pay off Ritzmaier, have we invested in improving the first team squad...?
Seeing as we loaned him out last season, his contract being paid up doesn't affect what we have available, it just makes us poorer financially.
We supposedly got 750 000 for Chappers so good value imo, he kept us up. I don't expect the plan to be to make money on every player. The likes of Miller, Green etc will be losses though.
To be fair mowatt owed us nothing captain in promotion season, instrumental in our survival under struber and again big part in last seasons success 500k very well spent. Chaplin apparently we got back what we paid for him 750k probley why there seems to be no clauses such as sell on etc Solbauer yes abit of a loss but he was ageing anyway I'm sure we never brought him in with the view we were ever going to make money on him. Ritzmaier big earner not sure what we paid but whatever it was it was too much. Never looked like a footballer or remotely interested. Waste of money
With miller and green there cheap losses havent cost much and almong the lowest earners at the club let go with a sell on and you never know.
We obviously don't know the fee we've got for Chaplin, but we do know its less than what we paid. Given we've made losses on the others and likely to make heavy losses on Miller, Schmidt and Thomas in the coming months, it's not quite the transfer utopia it may have been painted out to be.
I don't disagree with the sentiment. But in each case, when judged in black and white on fee paid vs fee received, it's loss, loss, loss, loss.
Only the club knows what payment, if any, was made to cancel the contract. It may well be that no payment was made and cancelling the contract enabled the move. Anyway, onwards and upwards, season starts in 48 hours.
Well technically chaplin broke even but you can't run a football club and expect every player to leave making you a profit. Mowatt was well worth 500k of anyones money with what he achieved on the pitch I've seen us pay 1million and more plenty of times for absolute garbage.
I've no issue with what Mowatt delivered on the pitch. But the sad reality is he ran his contract down and one of the best midfielders in the division left for free and that crystallised a loss. Whitey confirmed we "nearly got back what we paid for him".... that's a loss too, and we don't know the structure of the deal. Yes, we can't expect to make money on every transfer. But given our alleged approach is to make money on players to upscale, we're not doing especially well so far this close season. Let's see what happens with any other outgoings this window, but I'm concerned about the cash outgoings of late and the lack of contribution to our coffers from transfer profits.
Please don't misquote me buddy. I said: Undisclosed fee. Pretty much what we paid for him. Which was undisclosed.
I thought we got back what we paid for chaplin? Its impossible to make money on every player we could have sold mowatt in January and made a profit but people would have gone mad as we wouldn't have made the play offs. I've no issue with losing money on a player if like mowatt he delivers on the pitch season after season. Staying in this division and your 6million better off with t.v rights for a start. My issue with ritzy is he cost a fee was one of the biggest earners was absolutely gash and then we have to settle his contract to get shut.ritzy is wasted money imo. As for making money goes we got shut of struber for 1.8 million euros and val for 2million quid and got money for the backroom staff he took just a shame we have probley used some to pay ritzy off.
Relax you'll be able to rest easy when we sell Styles, Helik or Woodrow to pay for all the outgoings and don't bring anyone in because we've balanced the books .
Was the context to suggest the similarity was between it being an undisclosed fee when buying and with selling? I took the "pretty much what we paid for him" as confirmation we'd not quite got our full money back on the deal.
Of course its impossible to make money on every transfer. But as our alleged strategy is to make profit on players, every loss we incur means we have to generate excessive fees for our assets to offset those losses and make the profit we need to step up in the food chain. Yes we made money on ismael, but we will have had to pay for Schopps release. We've also the £1m+ for the MacDonald debacle. Covid losses etc. I'm not sure any of Ismaels fee will be left after those losses. I just hope our cashflow situation is ok in the background.