I've read that there's no way he signs for PSG now they have Ramos. Also seen Citeh pull out of the running already on a couple of 'insider' sites. I think something will force La Liga's hand to change the rules and allow him to stay. Or Man Utd will make a last minute two year contract offer.
Surprised Man Utd aren't being linked more. I read something by the secret footballer a while ago around how the ideal marketing opportunity would be to get a player, club and national sponsor aligned. Messi, Man Utd and Argentina are all sponsored by Adidas. One of the reasons Rooney was able to leverage his mega deal was the influence of Nike being Utd sponsor at the time and the fact that he was a Nike athlete. If United wanted to they could probably get him.
It's time they got some more cash from the EU to improve the roads out of Barcelona. Till then it will always be a bit messy.
The way Kane has treated Spurs lately he will have lost a lot of support from the public. It would be quite funny if City signed Messi so no longer needed Kane and he had to go say sorry to Levy and the fans.
I have it on good authority that Kane is on holiday in Orlando and Tottenham are aware of this and approved it, and all this rumour-mongering by the tabloids is just that. He hasn't just not turned up to training.
Guillame Balange,says it's a power play by both La Liga and Barcelona and who blinks next. Barca think La Liga will back down ,due the €2000m investment by CVC in to Spanish football. No Messi,no worldwide interest in La Liga. Personally, I think his reduced demands are outrageous, he will stay and La Liga will be impotent, the ESL will happen in some shape or form. Sadly, I think European club football is dying a slow death due to financial probity or lack of it, PL & EFL included. In 2 years time in Spain, who will be the stars? For too long, the corrupt two,have ruined Spanish football and now they have emptied that source of income, they are moving onto a new source. Spain ,like UK isn't a wealthy country but has some very wealthy people in it. For how much longer though,in either country, are the poor going to subsidise the rich?
Best assessment yet. My money is on him staying. I don’t believe Citeh spend £100 million on Grealish if they knew Messi was going to be available for the next two years, and they/Pep will have known the situation there.
Why would that not be the official statement released in response? Why let it gain as much traction as this if it’s as simple as that?
Not sure, unless it suits the club to give the impression he is trying to force a move so when he is sold it appeases the fans. It is third hand information, but it's via a member of Harry Kane's entourage.
He’s a history of greed. A money mad multi-multi millionaire. Barca made him what he is by funding his expensive growth treatment and even re-homed his family. He has a chance to salvage some credibility here and stay at Barca and play for FREE. He’ll still earn plenty through sponsorship and endorsements to add to his tax dodged fortunes. Great player but greedy little man.
tbf he's given a lot to Barcelona as well. They didn't do those things out of the goodness of their heart!