Gypsie poo allover Featherstone at minute. They settled in purston park recently and **** allover it absolutely disgusting. Just this weekend the broke into junior schools and settled on school field and trashed the place. Again Shat everywhere
If you are seen dropping a *** end you could, if caught get fined, the travellers leave filth everywhere they go but yet are moved on and then the tax payer is left with the bill to clean their crap up, can't stand them
Horse poo gets very bad on the Trans Pennine Trail (Dove Valley Trail) at Aldham Bridge near the Equestrian Centre. I wouldn't mind but if you are running in a £250 running shoe it can get a bit messy. Not that I do run in shoes that expensive. Even where there is a Bridle path Horse riders still ride on the pave. In places between Wombwell and Brampton Bierlow the bridle path has become overgrown because the Horse riders don't ride on it.
It would be cheaper to have a few portaloos available which the councils could put on the sites. They are not that expensive to buy or hire and it would reduce clean up costs.
My old Jack Russell Fuzzy was the same at the end. She was so embarrassed about it. Loved her so much it's unreal.