Firstly, to see barnsley66 again, alongside jedione, nezbfc and his truly lovely family & Jay (possibly) with his family, too. Simply being back at Oakwell, after what seems a lifetime away, will be so special. Then, not only seeing some of our Summer signings, but seeing some of the players signed last season in the flesh for the first time (Helik, Frieser, Brittain, Morris, Kitching). It also presents me with the opportunity to thank all the lads for last season's brilliant efforts. Finally, I can show my appreciation, affection & love to possibly one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, club legends, the late, great Eric Winstanley. This is why I love our club so much. It gives, and has given, me more pleasure than words can accurately express.
Spot on, pal. I'm giddy as 'owt. First season ticket since 1982. Looking forward to renewing acquaintances with folk that were there back then, plus I hope some new ones. Probably be in my seat from about noon. On Friday
First for me for a while too. Gonna train it with the lad. Maybe a couple of sherberts in Saltaire, and / or a couple in Barnsley followed by the Dove then the temple that is Oakwell. I might even get a bit tipsy.
I'm afraid that all 5 of us have lapsed in renewal, and have now lost our seats. Multitude of reasons across all 5 of us led to us not renewing despite having the money to do so. So for this season we will try use our "4 tickets each" and some away games etc Not giving up hope of starting again next season though Nonetheless, when we do take up our options, we certainly know where to find you for a chinwag before kick off. Here's to a successful season, and I hope whoever ends up in our seats, has as much entertainment and welcome as we did
Can't wait to see all my mates pre match. Not seen them since Feb 2020, so will be emotional scenes in the Temple. Have to dash off straight after the game to check into a venue in Mirfield at 6 to make sure one of my DJs is all good to go. Then off home, take away & watch the highlights show at 9.
Fantastic post, beginning to feel a bit giddy myself. Echo everything you've said, for various reasons over the last few years, going to Oakwell has been about so much more than just the football. I've missed the people and the ability to talk utter nonsense and absolute b0llocks for 2 hours more than I ever thought. Roll on Saturday.
i shall be wearing a mask but i'll try and make myself known to you.....................................................
Looking forward to the drive up to Oakwell from Lincoln, getting excited as I get closer to the ground, and then soaking up the atmosphere once inside Oakwell, missed it so much.
Thanks for the note about my Dad Kev. I too am looking forward to it, although minute 5 will be emotional for me and the family. I’ll be in the fan zone from about 2pm if anyone wants to come down and have a beer.