Owd on a minute. I wouldn’t sink that low. My principle “ never buy til’t sales” Bit difficult wearing a woolly jumper int middle ot summer mind.
Yeah but I’d not be happy shelling out a grand on a coat, knowing that everybody who saw me in it, assumed it was fake. I treat myself to decent clobber every now and then, but I keep any logos etc to an absolute minimum. Them who know, know I always went for Paul Smith because of that. Very understated. But even they eventually went mad, with big coloured horses n that.
Looks like this lease was finally confirmed yesterday. Although Muffin Break and the independent restaurant opening next to Nando’s have now backed out. There are still a lot of empty units though. Hopefully there’ll be a bit more confidence in retail next year. I always thought the development was a bit too big for Barnsley.
I saw an article confirming this in a trade rag yesterday https://www.retaildestination.co.uk/the-glassworks-signs-flannels-ahead-of-launch-later-this-year/ i had noticed on the Glassworks site that the restaurant next to Nandos had been removed from the leasing options page. I think the whole scheme is looking impressive now but there will be an awful lot of empty units
People just want that "Carlton from Fresh Prince" rich kid look that Ralph Lauren gives them. Polo shirts tucked into chinos with boating shoes. What a style! No, I've never understood it either.
Look at the shopping centre created by the same developer in Newport (Friars Walk) lots of closures once the free leases expired. A lot of retailers use the free lease term to determine whether a store would be sustainable long-term. I know the past 12-18 months have been shocking for leisure and retail, and closures have been much higher than usual, I just hope The Glassworks doesn’t follow in Newport’s footsteps.
The thing is, they're mostly made in China by sweat shop labour anyway. The rip offs are probably from the same factory as their most expensive counterparts. A mate of mine used to go to China monthly and he used to take an empty suitcase with him and go to the local shopping mall to fill up on so called designer wear. I got a North Face jacket for £20 including his profit. When I compared it to one in Blacks it was exactly the same including the " Made in China" label.
I've just been introduced to VINTED in the las few weeks I've bought jeans (River Island) for £5, a vintage leather belt with a large brass buckle £3, t shirt (Levi brand new) £2.50. Its worth a look some genuine bargains on there.
That was technically a separate development that relied on private funding and was from a time when grand scale developments were planned all over the country. The council scaled back the plans for the town centre when it was clear they’d need to fund it themselves. The initial plans for the council-funded development were much smaller. Once Queensberry Real Estate got involved, the project was scaled up massively. The addition of the multi-storey car park (not planned initially in 2014) was down to the conditions set by anchor tenants and the cinema, however, the additional units were all added as a result of conversations with Queensberry. As far as I’m concerned, and looking at the current leasing plan, they didn’t need to include the units below the cinema (which would’ve reduced the overall height and reduced the issue with the horrible facade on the railway side) and also could’ve probably got away with landscaping the old TEC site and using that for the outdoor market stalls. Had they done that, the place would be pretty much full with the current confirmed tenants.
Looked much better in town last time I was home - these multi purpose complexes seem to be the way forward. Liverpool one cost over a billion pounds and completely regenerated the city centre. It doesn't just close at 4 - the whole area still attracts people to the eating places , bars and cinema. From my memories of Barnsley it was like a ghost town past 4 / half four when market closed - hopefully the eating places will draw more in
I didn't know what flannels was (thought it was what you used to wash yourself with) but looked it up, I can't see many people in Barnsley spending £100 on a baseball cap or £300 on trainers
As expected, not all retailers will be opening in September. Despite being 90% let, we’ll only see the public square, TK Maxx, Next, and Sports Direct open next month. Superbowl is expected to open in October. The more exciting new additions for Barnsley, Cineworld and Nando’s, won’t be opening until early next year which is a shame, but understandable. https://theglassworksbarnsley.com/news/the-glass-works-square-and-new-shops-to-open-next-month/
Canada goose is a disgusting firm. Hope they go bust. I can get a lot of stuff from charity shops. Except pants & socks.
Flannels can,t return anything you,ve bought and the most expensive fashion store there is no thanks.