Just watching the green flag one and have moaned about it to my daughter. When looking at renewing her breakdown cover she says I ll not go for green flag cos I know you don't like their adverts. Any other adverts that put you off a product?
Any advert with a pointless celebrity appearance. Just stinks of lazy marketing. I am not going to go onto your online gaming site just cos you have Keith Lemon on the ad etc. etc. just winds me up
Isn't that the ad where they keep saying but what does that mean? Then someone kindly explains it to us. Drives me mad.
The Just Eat one with Snoop. It was OK the first few times but did my head in on iFollow after a bit. Plus they can never find my flats in the rare occasion I order from them.
Oral-B with its daft women lifting weights and saying ‘I know how to keep my body healthy but how do I keep my mouth healthy?’ and then says ‘I didn’t even know Oral-B had a toothpaste’ … well what did you think it did then?! Will and I use the second quote to each other whenever someone points out something daft.
There's just been one on with a baby singing. Weird! Our youngest dog Masey starts growling at advert music before the animal she dislikes appears, meerkats, dogs, cats, a toy dog sitting in front of a fan in AA ad!
That Ribena one where the woman says the word "presser" in a really awkward, jarring way. It really gets on my tits
This and the sodding Meercats - avoid both sites as a matter of principle I really hate the McDonalds ads too - their little jingle puts my teeth on edge - Id rather listen to nails on a blackboard
I'm with Green Flag - every time it comes up for renewal I haggle for a lower price to that initially quoted - each time I get a satisfactory reduction. Don't think any advert has put me off a product but I don't think any advert has made me rush out to buy something either.
"This child/old man/dog/cat/donkey/polar bear/leopard/pangolin/elephant/humped back whale/panda/tree/water supply urgently needs your help. A gift of just two pounds a month could..." Could. Not will. Could. No thanks.