For absolutely nothing' the families of the poor lost soldiers must be heartbroken' the problem is and always has been the middle east does not do peace never has never will ' we went in under false pretences 20 years ago supposedly to find weapons of mass destruction which to this day have never been found' we were both directly and indirectly involved in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians just so that Bush jnr could be seen to be flexing his muscles following 9/11 ' both he and his lap dog Blair should be charged with war crimes...
9/11 should never have happened, the American's were warned again & again about the plot to destroy the twin towers but the arrogant sods wouldn't take it seriously.
Should never have been deployed their, no one as defeated the Taliban, suppressed them since 2001 but unless we were out there for the very long haul then I agree, a waste of time, money and more importantly life.
British empire - never subdued it USSR- never subdued it US empire…why did they think it would be different 3rd time? Did all the mountains and valleys suddenly go away? Did the tribal loyalties suddenly dissolve? Did the Pashtun area straddling the Pakistan border suddenly become compliant to the border “controls”? Afghanistan was another geographical expression artificially created by the British Empire - no one in the area is going to die for it. The “Afghan “ army is held together by nothing more then a way out of grinding poverty to get a wage and food, as soon as uncle Taliban turns up with some serious intent they will melt away quicker then an ice cream in Death Valley.
We didn't go in there to get W.M.D.'s (that was the excuse used to go into Iraq in 2003), it was to get get Osama Bin Laden. They finally found Bin Laden was in Pakistan.
America entered into an agreement with the Saudis after ww2 to supply them Oil and they would turn a blind eye to them exporting wahhabism. In order to stay in power the house of Saud needs to turn domestic extremism outwards and therefore funds their jihad and sharia schools ( including in this country) to teach their middle age version of social thinking. interestingly Biden had agreed to release papers on 9/11 which had been kept secret as the victims families were refusing to allow him to attend this years memorial if he didn’t. If they haven’t been redacted or altered they’ll no doubt show the Saudi regime were at least complicit in 9/11. If the US truly wanted revenge for 9/11 they should have invaded Saudi Arabia, but that would mean admitting they were the victim of the mother of all blow-backs.
Got to say though, pity the evil gits are taking over again. Nobody in their right mind wants them but themselves
This will only end one way, and that is the West intervening yet again. I would be shocked if they sit back and let the Taliban run the rule. I have done 2 tours in Afghanistan and on both occasions I have seen a great loss of life, and sadly, I have to say, I am not sure what the end game was. History has repeated itself yet again in Afghanistan, no one has ever claimed victory in Afghanistan, except the Afghanis.
Not only have we not (and were never going to) destroy the Taliban or make any permanent changes but all we've managed to do is actually create a generation of people who hate us for what we have done to them, their families, friends and anyone who basically shares their religion or skin colour. We have created a situation that has threatened peace across the world and has led to the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent people both here and abroad. It's my firm opinion that the terror attacks in Paris and at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester were as a direct result of our actions in the middle East
Not sure why Biden takes the blame for this, or are they supposed to occupy them forever? Bush is responsible for this **** show.
Apparently the US has spent 2 trillion dollars on Afghanistan. God knows what we've spent. What a complete and utter waste of time, money and lives. The Americans never learn either - they go into places on a misreading of the situation and make things worse. Afghanistan equals the modern Vietnam. Didn't understand the situation, cocked up and withdrew. Next scenes we will see will be those of US personnel being airlifted out of the embassy and Kabul airport just before the Taliban take the city.
i'll probably get pelters for this but; why do you think non of the local muslim countries havent got involved ????, because they are quite well prepared for the infidel west toget their hands dirty and take all the blame whilst they are still doing business with us. you cannot and will not destroy the taliban as it is an ideology and is bred/pushed into the kids from the tit, wars/conflicts are started by politicians and then finished by soldiers, well thats when they havent got their hands tied by the afore mentioned politicos, if you enter into any conflict you must have certain objectives and one is a clear exit strategy, who's going to be in charge, when from and more than anything when do we ( as the shepherd says ) get the flock out of here
do you think the UK should do anything now? From your post I am guessing not. It’s hard to think of all of those lives wasted and of what is happening to the people there now, especially the women, and think we should just let it happen, yet I suppose that’s the logical conclusion from all of the failures of foreign intervention to date. The most effective form of intervention was in Serbia where a sitting government was targeted with air strikes when Kosovo was being ethnically cleansed (whereas Srebranica had shown how hopeless peacekeepers on the ground were).
I don't think their will ever be boots on the ground again over there, i do think drones/ air strikes against them will intensify though and it won't matter a jot, those lunatics are fanatical, they would quite happily sit in a fire fight with us from 30 metres with the odd RPG and old Russian ak47, knowing we had fast air on call, mortars , artillery ( not that they would be called in at such a close distance) they are religious fanatics who don't value their own life which makes them more dangerous and they truly 100% believe they will be having it away with 74 Virginia if they get martyred, absolute lunatics