Multiple fatalities...
Worst mass shooting in the UK for 11 years. Meanwhile, according to Wiki, last time five were shot dead in the USA it was July 25, with about 35 further mass shootings since this date and more than 420 this year alone. Disturbing.
I read about it yesterday and learned something new. Apparently the shooter described himself as an incel. What a bizarre ideology that is!
Was reading up on the blackpill/incel thing yesterday. Completely new to me. Obviously a seriously damaged individual. Absolutely tragic.
...that was allowed a gun... taken off him cos he was a bit 'iffy' then after promising to go on a anger management course... given the gun back... brilliant.
I believe he worked in the dockyard too so would have required some form of security vetting Those poor children
I’m stunned that people are allowed to keep a shotgun in an urban environment- I can accept it for a farmer, yes, but some random weirdo? What the actual fk? If you are shooting targets it should be locked up at a gun club and available on site for that purpose only.
I said exactly the same thing, how the hell you’re allowed to keep any firearm at home never mind a pump action shotgun is beyond me.
The whole thing is just absolutely tragic. A disturbed individual who may well have been in need of major intervention. Innocent people lives taken without purpose in a brutal way. On a separate note the bravery of the first responders is astounding. A call of shots fired and probable casualties and these brave people run towards the danger.
A pump action shotgun. Who ever permitted him or anyone else to obtain such a deadly weapon should be facing serious questions.
You’re not. My neighbour used to have one for game shooting. He had to have it changed to only hold one round.
No idea why it's not being called terror related. The guy caused terror by his actions to an area. That should make him a terrorist. I think going around shooting people dead and locals knowing what's happened and going off is intimidating, serious violence and endangering a person's life.
No ongoing threat cos he killed himself, most of the victims were innocent bystanders, or what you might describe as the ‘general population’.
It’d be interesting to read the guidance followed. Remove race; and I’ll bet if a woman with anger management issues who posted videos about hating men, or even a ‘left wing activist’ had reapplied for a shotgun licence they’d have no chance. Angry white men with a right wing agenda - do what you like