I tend to subscribe to the **** or bust school of life. Go full pelt. Like it, or regret it later! Doritos falls into the regret it later category. My missus loves them. Only tried them once but it felt like eating cardboard.
We were on holiday somewhere and Janie had porridge from the buffet for 2 mornings and said it tasted odd. When I tried some, it was rice pudding!
Edit, read your reply and it brought back the memories of pizzas of my childhood and you're right, they were horrid! But a pizza in Italy is totally different!
I have about 120 ‘big’ bags of chili heatwave Doritos in my pantry. Order them wholesale. Works out at about 60p a bag. I clear at least two bags on a night if I’m home and get watching something on Netflix etc. Adore them. Probably why I’ve a huge gut. Well, that and the lager. And pork pies.
Bananas. Can’t stand the smell, the texture and as for the taste… ate a bit of one as a kid and it took me weeks to recover. I can detect the stench of a banana from hundreds of miles away. Infact I know who on this board has eaten a banana in the last week. You stink. Banana - ‘The Devil’s ****.’ And Goats’ Cheese - fine if you like eating something that tastes of piss but I don’t.
I'll decline the open goal. I must have been made to eat a sprout when I was a kid, now I couldn't get one close. This Sunday, wife doing dinner put a pan of sprouts on to boil and forgot to put any water in! What a stink, she likes em that much she peeled burnt bits off, cooked em and ate em!
Funny the habits and routines people get into and how they evolve. I couldn't tell you the last time I had anything crisp like. I like crisps. We just never buy them, or think of buying them. Probably because if we did we'd wolf them in no time!
My mam said when she came out of her coma and was told she was a diabetic the first thing she said was ‘can I still eat crisps?’
Fine, because she can, they’re a great steady source of carbs. She has multipack bag of Walkers crisps every night at 10pm and X amount of digestives (depending on her blood sugar level and therefore the amount needed) just before she goes to bed.