It's hard to imagine him ever scoring 15-20 goals again, all his best play now is outside of the box. Hopefully Schopp can find a combination that works with him and the new lads.
Cole did more on 5 mins that oduor all game. He was just getting some joy down the ledt wing so what did schopp do - brought victor on and moved cole to the right where we saw very little of him after that.
dont know what game you were watching but miller never left the bench, freiser never stopped running and was our best forward, ade was our strongest forward and as a camio apperance played well as did cole. tonight we were bullied and they were stronger and bigger than us. some of our football was very good to watch but NOT effective we missed morris
Maybe its not been translated clearly by Schopp such as how it has been worded is not exactly what he meant. Or i could just be clutching at straws.
It's very worrying if they can't even offer last 10 or 15 minutes. I'm hoping its not an attitude problem or we are royally in the sheeeiiiitttteee
I can't believe one of them can't be on the bench for a 20 minute cameo. After tonight there needs to be a bit of a re-think for the Brum game. We might get something at QPR if we keep it tight & get the attackers looking for something on the break, like the quality goal Frieser scored. Maybe I'm grasping at straws.
It’s odd. I’d understand it more if we were playing an Ismael style high press, but I’m not sure Schopp demands the same intensity. You’d expect them to be able to come off the bench. Otherwise, we may as well have kept hold of Chaplin
I expected a mid-table finish this season. We rarely manage two good seasons on the trot. We have some very good individual players but will need to find an effective team style soonish. 4 points is a decent haul so far. If Morris was in the team tonight I'd have fancied us to get at least draw, possibly a win. Front line is too ineffective at the moment.
Sadly as predicted finishing above relegation will be a fantastic feat for us. We look absolutely *****.
His style is and always has been that he drops deep. Harry Kane does the same thing. Trying to force him into a role he's not suited for is counter productive. Struber got a lot of stick for playing him as an attacking midfielder, but that was Woodrow's best time in a red shirt for me. Playing like he is right now, he just needs people like Morris and Dike around and ahead of him like we had last season. Hopefully Morris comes back and the new Belgian lads can fill that role too. Frieser is good there too, but he needs Morris or someone similar on the other side to be completely effective.
To be fair to the forwards, can anyone point me in the direction of a chance that was created for them last night so they could have a shot at goal? There were a few crosses from Brittain across the 6 yard box granted, but I can't remember any service from midfield or owt. Having said that, with they didn't create anything themselves either. Let's not make this a regular thing please Mr Schopp.
I wish we had .As you say, surely they are capable of performing for the last few minutes of a game !
The problem with playing a front 3 like that with Morris absent is that they’re playing half striker half attacking midfield - at least Morris took the initiative to play as a striker. These 3 are neither doing one thing or another and they should be creating chances themselves - fair enough a front 2 or a front 1- get them the service- a front 3? You got to be able to create chances for each other.
given they’re Belgians maybe when he does ask a question they just waffle on ..... ill get mi coit ... again
I'm a firm believer that goal scorers are born not made. Speed of movement, speed of thought and calmness in front of goal. If either of the Belgian lads actually have this then even if not fully fit or au fait with our system they should be able to make some realistic contribution when we are currently relying on one or two players who are not natural goal scorers.
I've not seen anything to suggest they're injured. It's bizarre that we fielded the squad we did last night with our two new main forward signings nowhere to be seen.