The simplest thing would have been for the club to tell the truth re the visas surely? I feel a bit sorry for them, not being able to train with their teammates, not a great start to their time at Barnsley.
What does the club do in the short term Helen. Let the window shut with Adeboyejo and Miller as back up?
club needs to come out and confirm this stuff really. All these rumours/assumptions are making us look stupid. we need an open and honest statement explaining what's going on instead of getting told 'they aren't fit' etc etc. its a bit ridiculous tbh. Especially now Morris is injured and we sold our other striker Chaplin weeks ago too. We have gone from having tonnes of striker options to now looking very weak up there.
Get a loan striker in to replace Morris, at least until Jan if I was in charge. Or try to pass them off as Miller and Vic!!
No idea but previous comments indicated that we are only looking at LWB options and maybe experience in the middle of the park. IF this issue with these new lads gets sorted asap then we don't need any more strikers as if you add those into the squad we are back to having plenty of options. Issue is we don't seem to have a clear understanding as to when they will be available, or why they are not involved. First we get told it's fitness issue, then it's cos they are not up to speed tactically and now it's visa stuff. All a bit of a joke now.
Haha reminds me of my Sunday league days when we had some name changes after a few yellows and a red the match before.
I can't think why he wouldn't mention the visa issues other than if he had been told not to - if its the truth then it's an easy clear answer which gives the fans the explanation they're after. I suppose there's potential mind games with other managers but they won't know owt about them anyway so I can't imagine other teams changing their plans based on whether they might feature or not.
Hmmm so yesterday in good faith I posted Doug O'Kanes tweet saying it was nothing to do with Visas Today he tweets again saying it is Visa's after all so sorry for putting duff info on here Visa issues at least explain why they cant even make the bench - and if they are training away from the club even when/if the visas are sorted its going to take time to get them up to speed - I'd be surprised if they are stating any games until after the October international break ie about the same time as Morris is expected to be fit again. In the mean time our strike force consists of Woodrow and Frieser who are championship standard Cole - too early to tell but he may be the best we have availlable Victor and Miller who are at best suited for occasional fill in roles oh and Oduor who isnt a striker at all. I think we could do worse than play Halme up front Also how come its taking so long to sort the visa's we had no problem with Dike in January and I bet Lukaku is playing for Chelsea this weekend Im a bit worried there is an elegibility issue and someone doesnt think they qualify for a UK work permit
Someone yesterday suggested Helik. Either him or Halme would give us something to aim at up front. I'm all for it - if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but sooner that, than persist with one of Adeboyejo, or Oduor, or have to resort to Miller.
I was told on Tuesday that they didn't have enough "points" on the eligibility system to be able to play, and that they were back in Belgium. Why they come as a pair and don't have some sort of difference to separate them (so far) in terms of eligibility seems bizarre - they aren't siamese twins. Anyway, it'll be us that don't have enough points soon enough. And O'Kane needs to do a bit more investigative work before he coughs up stuff as facts. Or else he should be telling us specifically who lied to him, if that is what has happened.
That's the worry, Dike's was so quick because he was a full international, I'm guessing the club have had to apply for an exception for these two players. Given it's not been done before, there's no way of knowing how long it will take. It could also be delayed by the club. I don't know if it's something that the CEO or club secretary would normally take care of, so has landed on the lap of somebody not especially familiar with the process. Either way, given the strikers available, it wouldn't surprise me if we soon move away from three up front.
Didn't Dike's arrival coincide with his call up for Team USA? I would imagine that a player who's an international would accrue sufficient points to obtain a work permit. Although both our two lads from Belgium have played at U21 level I'm not sure how this ranks as far as obtaining a work permit is concerned.
The problem with reporting it openly is Patel's Stazi will be along and deport them 'cos they haven't got the right paperwork. So at the moment they are in the UK "on holiday"; probably going round looking a cathederals.
I really hope this isn't true, it would be comically embarrassing. Although maybe we'll do a press release saying we sent them back because they're ****, like with Ludewig