Heartfelt plea to all posters, please stop using "could of" instead of "could have" it just makes you look thick. It's only 2 letters more, you're not going to wear yourself out typing them....
The spelling, punctuation and grammar on the BBS is of a pretty decent standard compared to the rest of the population.
You're right, it's not that bad mate. I just read a succession of "could of" and thought I'd provoke a debate....
Agreed. I can scroll past most errors but “could of” is so annoying. It makes no sense at all. It seems to be a recent thing - last 5-10 years.
I have extended family / in laws in Scunthorpe. They pretty much all write ‘cart’ as an abbreviation of cannot, as opposed to can’t. It boils my piss!
In fairness some people have a blindspot. My ex boss at one of my jobs was an extremely bright girl. Could run rings round me at complicated computer stuff but couldn't tell the difference between as and has to save her life. I had to check all her emails for her.
I honestly can't understand why people put 'abit' or 'alot'... really? You didn't learn that those were two separate words at primary school? **** me. That isn't dyslexia, it is just sheer laziness.