Boris is a long way from levelling the country when Barnsley is the lowest in the country at 46% with the highest being Hammersmith at 84%.... The town it seems is being punished by the government for being Labour.
It always has been and then the council blamed by the Torys for the cuts and unbelievably many in Barnsley swallow the line including some in here .
The longer these Tories stay in power the more the divide will widen between the haves and the have nots just look at rise in food banks since they came to power. Care for the elderly is just ridiculous, my father who passed away early this year had to go into care at the age of 94/95 he was put into a care home in Penistone at £1,000 a week we moved him to one at Monk Bretton at 1/2 the price we had to sell his house. These caring Tories have announced they are taking £20 a week off universal credit that will help the poor no end I'm sure.
I'd rather go to a home rather than be stuck waiting to be got up and dressed by some overworked care worker dashing to fit in half hour slots and no paid time allocated for travel and if my house has to be sold to pay for it so be it. I don't quite get the obsession with the elderly losing their homes because once you're at that point you won't ever come back to it.
She won't be if she's over 60, the home would be sold after that. Not sure what happens if there's a bigger age gap.
Do you not think that the people having to sell their homes have paid enough in already over 70+ years to then have to sell their home? The money people have tied up in a property is often spent helping a younger family get onto the property ladder which is nye on impossible this day and age for millions. People used to pay their taxes in order to fund public services and allow themselves some dignity in old age but now it seems they are paying to prop up billionaire tax dodgers until the day they pass away.
In the current climate no the average person won't have paid enough tax to pay for £50 000 + a year care home fees.
Whilst I have some sympathy with your view of government priorities. As Helen says; if you live to 18 in the care of the state education system, have a normal adult life of not much illness, but then think you could get half a million in social care all out of 50 years of taxes on a modest income, the maths just don’t work. And that’s without consideration for roads, police, military, or indeed subsidies to your mates businesses.