Underrated by who? I’m curious? Very gracious of you to say Charlie could ‘keep time’ & his beats ‘complimented the music’. That damn near brought a tear to my eye..
I wasn't being sarcy/sarky. I think personally he's overlooked as a good drummer. That's all. Some people I've spoken to in the past dont put Watts and for that matter Starkey in the same category as, say, Moon or Baker because of perceived technical ability and sophistication of kit but the technique and drum patterns in many songs actually go to show what a good drummer he was. He didn't have a flash kit and he didn't do solos but he helped give the Stones music a good rhythm. Good Guardian article about him today if you look it up. He'll be missed.
Charlie did an article fairly recently in which he said he didn’t rate David Bowie. For the first time in my life, I asked myself What does Charlie actually know about music? And I’m a big admirer of the stones, so it wasn’t a nice question to ask
Yeh' we think these legends are going to be around forever don't we' sadly over the next 10 years or so a few more will probably be leaving us' not many potential legends around these days' can't see Justin bieber getting the same adulation' enjoy em while we can..RIP Charlie..