I think I need a lie down. What. A. Day. And we even picked an actual number 3. Long way to go but great to have some positivity after that farcical day at Lords
show me a days play where a batsmen didn’t play and miss. Show me a days play where a batsmen didn’t edge a ball. Show me a days play where a bowler didn’t find something in the pitch that wasn’t there the ball before. il wait.
To be fair I would normally comment but had work commitments all day. Didn't even get chance to pick up my phone til 6.20! I will admit it was a bit of a shock. I know it's Headingley but did India sod off practice this week or something?!?
Show me a day where poor batsmen give chances when they needn’t have. So did you actually watch all the play to form an opinion?
I don’t follow, are you saying they are poor but shouldn’t have given chances or did you mean good? Either was batsmen give chances because they are batsmen not machines. im still waiting and I guess I will be a while
The answers are in the highlights, not that you’ll admit you were wrong having double dug your trench.
No need. Check the scoreboard. I’ve watched all day anyway. Well done to some under pressure cricketers, they all did the job expected of them today. You doubled down with a strange assertion it was lucky and then tried, valiantly I might add to dig further by suggesting it’s surprising poor batsmen give chances. I don’t know if this conversation is worth carrying on but hopefully we can be as “lucky” as we were today every day.
Well done, you’ve ignored all the points I made, and picked up on the comment that Hameed was lucky that the 4 chances didn’t lead to the fall of his wicket. I would have thought anyone who actually saw all the game would concur with such an obvious thing. And would obviously assess that India were much poorer than their previous innings in the prior tests. Ah well.
A great day, perfect for England in fact. Great toss to lose and England never looked back. Great bowling by all and sound batting by both openers. 200 plus lead tomorrow then press for a victory. Great watching from the new stand on a freebie with 3 meals and drink all day! Get to do it again on Friday.
1st century opening partnership by England openers since last year, 26 tests (I expected it to be longer than that). You'd think that would be something to cheer, not show huge amounts of disappointment at one of them having 4 lives. Hameed having been dropped went away to India to knuckle down, work on his game and earn a recall. They must have taught him to be lucky! More a cause for celebration than scorn I say. I hope his great fortune holds tomorrow, he could be a very exciting batsman. Who said "the harder I practice, the luckier I get"?