I have 4 plants & loads of fruit but a few are being eaten/attacked by something. can I pull the good ones & mature them in my Conservatory? TIA
Everything I’ve grown this year has been cursed. Slugs and snails getting my squash, beet leaf miners destroyed my Swiss chard, black fly got the broad beans, and even the apples were taken by squirrels.
Have the attackers got work permits? fruit catastrophe this year… no pears at all on the tree and the apples are tiny. Last year both produced a bumper crop
we've got 4 plants, in large pots or hanging baskets, we're absolutely stuffed with the buggers, might have to make some chutney or pasta source and freeze it...
Our pears are better than ever, loads of them and really good sized. Our apple tree has produced about 5 though, really disappointed as I like to use them for baking. The house behind us has an apple tree too that’s really overhanging this year, so I’ve had a few of hers. They’re absolutely gorgeous! Our tree is Bramley apples I think whereas hers are like a really sweet version of Golden Delicious. Yes, I know you’re supposed to throw them back etc. etc. but our garden is covered in them at the bottom and it seems a bit passive aggressive! They’re started to go a bit bad on the tree now and there’s still hundreds on there so she won’t miss them. We’ve just bought two blueberry trees today but they fruit in July so just missed the boat on that!
Our wild blackberry bush at the bottom of the garden that our dog likes to píss on is fruiting nicely. Sorry, just wanted to be involved
Unusual for tomatoes to suffer like this though woodlice are a problem with ripe low lying fruit, so first thing what’s doing the munching? If it is woodlice, take your fruit off before the damage gets too bad and cut off affected parts of the fruit. Grown 18 varieties of tomatoes this year, green, yellow, pink, purple black … luv em.
Our pears usually suffer "june drop" but this time they've all stayed on. Not ready yet still quite hard. We got 2 new blueberry shrubs in pots, they were covered in berries but just as they ripened the birds took the lot! One apple tree has produced more than ever (james greave). Plum, just a few. Cherry, wood pigeons strip the leaves and blossoms, so they don't get chance to fruit.
Yes you can, if they are fully grown (usually they look a brighter green and more translucent skin) they will ripen off the plant. I've had a weird year with peas, sown three batches and lost them all. Fourth last ditch batch in an old bucket and I've got pods!
Blueberries are new and in pots, surprised they fruited so well. Cherry is a few years old. This year I made some foil discs and hung them in the branches. Didn't make a scrap of difference. The woodies sit there merrily shredding the leaves and pecking the flowers off, even when the dog's are barking at them. Strangely they seem to peck off the blossoms and just drop them.