1) When will the dragging case of ground ownership be sorted? 2) Will we ever see a full West Stand again? 3) What are you working at so we can go back to be allowed to sell every North stand ticket to away fans? 4) Last season did we have a chance to cash in on Mowatt or was losing the club captain for nothing out of our hands? 5) Any chance of pre ordering from catering to save missing some of the game to join long queues? 6) Are the club inside Oakwell looking in to allowing card payments alongside cash no in place of? 7) Are you looking in to an alternative for fans who have the pain of the Beevor Court issue? 8) The club have had 18 months to prepare for fans to return so do you think the stewarding issue that's costing the club thousands of pounds should have been sorted sooner? Our previous CEO said we were prepared for when fans were allowed back. I beg to differ. 9) Why were we silent on Dane Murphy going? 10) Is it true Dane Murphy was under a contract that was allowed to run out much as with Alex Mowatt? 11) Our first game without restrictions at Oakwell for 18 months and our directors box was nearly empty. Shouldn't the whole board have been there as a show of unity? 12) Why did we risk it by signing two guys we couldn't at that point play due to not having work permits? 13) Have we offered a new contract to those in their final year such as Romal Palmer so we don't lose someone else for nothing? 14) Our developmental side got thrashed the other day. Does sending lots of guys out on loan to one of your other clubs not make things harder for the likes or Martin Devaney?
Hi Paul. Do you subscribe to the school of thought that anything more than a handful is a waste? Thanks.
It’s obvious why Alex was kept instead of cashing in ! Because of past criticism including from you the selling of Hourhiane whilst we had a chance at play offs . Your criticising of one scenario then criticising when we go polar opposite is staggering imo. We’ve known over a year it was gonna be doubtful he would sign another contract for us and unless we got promotion we wouldn’t be renewing so the club after taking critism for the Hourihane incident keep him to his contract and are still criticised ??
For me the glaring issue is the ground and its future in terms of ownership, attendances being limited for varying reasons and the criteria for investment in it.
All about the ground for me, I'm afraid. Does he realize how much Oakwell means to the fans of Barnsley Football Club, and how much the vast, vast majority of Reds fans would rather we stay at Oakwell than build a soulless stadium on the outskirts of Town? From there, can he please shed some light on the latest state of affairs with the purchase of our stadium? Finally, can we please have clarification on what the state of play is with regards the West and North Stands, and the rumored reduction in capacities?
Do the owners have ambitions to take the club to the premier league and what does he think is needed to get us there? Does he accept there has been a lack of communication between the owners and the fans and will that be something he would like to change? Custard creams or bourbons?
Life is like a bowl of cherries. Never take more than you can carry.. - Daniel Johnston.. you’re welcome..
What is their exit strategy? Not that I’m wanting to leave, but by answering it tells us their ambitions and goals.
It is the single most important thing. Finalise everything in relation to the stadium, and we are in a good place. Fortunes will fluctuate on the pitch, but we need to be secure off it.
Eh? I am wondering if the reason we didn't get shut of Mowatt was because we got no offer worth accepting or no offer at all.
Not the way you worded it at all!! And it’s not the first time you’ve asked why we didn’t cash in on him .