When you took over you said if the club had a chance of promotion then you would 'back' a promotion bid. Well, finishing 5th in the previous season would seemingly make this season a promotion push.......does that situation still stand and has it been enacted in this transfer window? (Although I'm not displeased with this transfer window so far I certainly wouldn't class it as a 'promotion push' transfer window.)
Will the fans that fawn over your every move get a say in where you move the Tyke Dog Superclub franchise?
It would be nice for DK to say a super happy hello/hi/eyup? A quick vid. Before he signs for Wigan? Just a thought.
Can we please, please, please, do something about the traffic in Wentworth, please? We’ve asked everyone else. You’re seriously, our last hope. Seriously, just a matter of time before a villager is killed. Likely a deedar or a Miller. Or my Accrington Stanley friend, Kevin. & I’m the only Tyke in this village, I should be listed?
To be fair anyone can answer the first two questions, 1 He is part of a consortium that invest in Football Clubs and Pat Cryne persuaded them Barnsley was a no brainier as an investment 2 if someone offers the Consortium an attractive offer like they did for Nice they’d be idiots not to take it
I'd echo questions about the ground dispute. It'd be great to hear what happened with Dane and Taymour.
I’d say there’s not many investors that’s serious about taking over a professional football team would invest whilst West stand is in the state it is . I heard it was costing thousands to just keep stand up without paying supporters coming in . I’d say it’s on the priority list to do something even if they just level it and not build . A successful Championship side and a brand new stand would tempt a few serious investors imo .
But currently any investment into BFC is the playing staff, and non-playing staff plus small assets. Leasing the ground also means there’s less liability for it too. I’d love Oakwell and BFC to be one again, but I also know that it’s not necessarily the most wisest business decision either.
Can't help think of my stag do handcuffed to that midget when I see photos of Daffid. (I was dressed as him).
So are Cryne and the council in a similarly precarious position as owners of the ground then I wonder?
Presumably. I remember John Dennis telling us in the past though that they'd look into it and didn't see an issue so I dunno.
John Dennis wouldn’t have been looking at it from a purchase/resale aspect though. As business men first they are right to consider that and as highlighted with your house analogy.