of America as self imposed world police. Since WW2 they’ve ballsed up every theatre they’ve operated in, but Afghanistan must be the all time low. Not even Uncle Sam can come back from this total absolute and complete humiliation. I fear more lives will be lost, or perhaps I should say thrown away, before the end of this defeat/withdrawal fiasco.
Hopefully, and we stop following them into these things Tony Blair and Bush should have stayed out all those years ago and I think the world in general would be alot safer place.
Unfortunately, I fear not. Their perceived World Police is nothing more than just that a perception. The reality is if something has an interest for them, they will continue. Added to that as long as the likes of us follow them blindly and hang onto their coat tails they will get away with it.
Sleepy Joe has messed up badly. He's got blood on his hands after yesterday. What a sad state American politics is in when he's the man to take over from the other idiot.
The Taliban will continue to let poeple out of Afghanistan, however it all depends on how much the west is prepared to pay per person.
America and American politics is full of hubris. They believe their own spin about how great they are. Coupled with the fact that China in particular is perceived as an existential threat to their top superpower status and there will be continued meddling in different arenas in future in my opinion. They didn't learn from Vietnam. When the dust has settled in Afghanistan (it won't settle really of course) they will be 'influencing' regimes wherever they think they can get a result and where there's a vacuum of American influence. Just my view of course.
You really do swallow any old *****. When Trump announced the withdrawal he was keen to point out he’d put in place a process that it would be impossible for Biden to wriggle out of. He was so proud and told everyone how smart he’d been in achieving this. As soon as the inevitable turd and fan collision occurred, he was keen to put the blame firmly on Biden, followed by every moron who ever believed a word he said jumping on the bandwagon. It’s not difficult to find Trumps announcement
I wish governments would realise that different culture's and religions don't want westernising. Yes they commit atrocities and are barbaric. However, their national pride is stronger and they don't need policing by the west. The west intervenes and they group together and fight the people supposed to be helping them. They won't be educated. Afghanistan isn't an international threat so I'm glad that forces are pulling out because they shouldn't have gone there in the first place. A sad loss of life, wasted for nothing.
He didnt have to pull the troops out of Afghanistan there was many calls for him not to do so after taking over from trump but he carried on anyway. But like I've already said we should have stayed out of there and Iraq years ago the real people to blame are Bush and blair
Presumably you're angry because of the bloodshed caused by the pullout. Having made the deal with the Taliban under Trump what do you really think the consequences would have been of breaking the agreement and NOT pulling out?
https://theintercept.com/2020/07/02...rawal-of-troops-from-afghanistan-and-germany/ A bit more complicated than that . The democrats actually put a stop to some of trump's troop withdrawals last year , then went straight ahead as soon as Biden was president . It's as if the democrats wanted to take credit for the withdrawal as soon as trump was out of the way but obviously as we are seeing that particular plan go south . This is what happens when politics turns into a popularity contest I'm afraid .
Its my fault or Conways fault, the councils fault, Boris fault, Biden fault, Queens fault and Gods fault. Maybe it might be the terrorist bombers, people stoning women, rapists, murderers, abusers who are the problem. Just a thought, im glad we dont let people just get away with it and do what they want. I know lets save a load of money knock down the prisons in the uk and give the money that saves to the child abusers and thugs then they might not do it again.
Trump, Biden whoever’s in charge, the problem is we had to come out at some stage & whether that was 10 years ago, 10 years in the future or now it was always likely to end in chaos. We should’ve never gone in to Afghanistan in the first place. Far more knowledgeable people than me will tell you how messed up that country is, how the police, army & Taliban are interchangeable. This is Bush & Blair’s legacy. I notice Tony Blair, who can’t keep his gob shut criticising the current Tory & Labour parties has all of a sudden lost his tongue. The new line from the warmongers seems to be that we should be grateful that Afghan women have had a better life for the last 20 years but the problem with that is surely that means we should be invading nearly all the Middle East & half of Africa. It’s just not possible to govern & impose our way of life on these huge countries. And if our main aim is stopping terrorism (nearly all the 9/11 attackers were born there) & doing our best for women rights then the first country we invaded should have been Saudi Arabia but instead they’re our ally. It’s never made sense.
It’s much much too complicated for me to get my head round. And I’m far from an expert in GeoPolitics. But I don’t hold much faith in an article pushing the narrative that Russia is nothing more than ‘a minor power in Eastern Europe’.