Anyone who knows anything about the History of Afghanistan will know that interventions from outside end badly. Check out the 1st British Invasion of Afghanistan in the 1840s. That benighted country is virtually ungovernable. It's people sadly have been dealt a very bad hand. It is but an accident of nature as to where you are borne. Despite all the rubbish that goes on in our country we live in one of the better places in this planet.
Have you seen how many African countries the British (and various EU) army is deployed in? (Mali, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, etc).
Sadly true. It’s why Saddam Hussein and ‘Chemical Ali’ probably should have been left to it….. their barbaric approach was/is needed to keep a lid on it all. Not acceptable practice in the west, but it worked over there. The threat of ‘if you steal from someone, we’ll gas you and all of your family’ etc simply worked. Could do with that approach over here at times with some of the scroats!
I don't know surely not as bad as the consequences we suffered and the division,hate and terrorism invading Iraq and Afghanistan has caused.
Who are the Scroats you’re proposing the government should gas? Benefit cheats? Immigrants? people who ‘look a bit dodgy’ seriously, this post has to be a low point on here.
The dick hed in me says we should chalk fu ck on the entire middle East (and others), leave them to whatever they want to do within their own borders, don't trade with them under any circumstances, but politely warn them if a single terrorist attack comes from their country we'll bomb their land so hard it will resemble plate glass. But then, my sensible head kicks in and I hate myself.
Your right and he'll have a lot more blood on his hands when the terror attacks begin in earnest all over the globe' you have to ask the question' what did these idiots think was going to happen when the entire peace keeping force were pulled out' it was certainly never going to be a happy ever after' also' why haven't we be pulling people out of the country steadily for weeks in preparation for this' it all just seems so incredibly inept..
Don't agree with him we probably should gas some "scroates" over here but I agree we should have left them too it. Instead the worlds alot more of a dangerous place. Funny how we never went for Saudi with how they treat criminals and women, sort them out
Let's face it, the USA is run by huge industrial corporations with puppets for government, they make huge profits from wars. This won't be the end of American intervention in world affairs, anywhere there is trouble and US financial interests are involved, they will be there.
The Taliban will struggle to keep control of Afghanistan. The hope is that an uprising from Panjshir province will succeed rather than ISIS-K. The fighters in Panjshir province are remnants of the mujahideen, who led the Soviets a merry dance in the 1980s, and in turn formed part of the Northern Alliance, who helped NATO get a foothold in the country. Their numbers have been swollen by elements of the Afghan army who still want to fight. There's going to be the mother of all civil wars once they are left to it.
I wonder who will be supplying the weapons for this civil war; the west, Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, India?
I imagine Theresa May’s husband’s company will be making a fortune out of it like he is with the Saudi - Yemen conflict
Not exactly, I know we’re in Libya, Mali & Sudan. Just seem to be constant conflicts in Africa but it barely gets covered on the news over here. I was reading the other week about dead bodies floating down the river between Sudan & Ethiopia who had been tortured. Awful.
Calm down kid. We call thieves, rapists, murderers and other criminals ‘scroats’. You pick out of that what you want, but the general public belief is life will be better without them or with added better deterrents in the legal system to stop them doing it in the first place. I partly said it tongue-in-cheek, but go ahead and see it as a low point
The ‘general public belief’? Is that how you always hide your horrible views about other humans? By pretending that it’s what everyone else thinks? You’re perfectly entitled to your opinion, but I’m not sure pretending most people would happily gas criminals is close to being something you’ll find evidence to support. BTW: it’d be scrotes not scroats as it’s derived from scrotum which isn’t spelt scroatum Education is a wonderful thing, I’d recommend reading about the criminal justice system from experts not getting your ‘information’ from populist politicians or tabloids. And this ‘kid’ is a grandad So the patronising tone isn’t doing you any favours either unless you’re in your 80s.
Going back to my original post, as you’re intent on dragging it everywhere you want to….. I believe serious crimes deserve serious punishments. And in some cases, yes, the death penalty - which to some extent, would deter some, not all of the serious crimes. Whilst I accept not everyone agrees with the death penalty, it’s not a ‘horrible view’ to hold and plenty think the same. My views on the Far East issues, are as my original post states, which I think most people find agreeable.