The death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent, is more expensive than life imprisonment and is ******* barbaric. There's no credible argument in favour of it and so I'd definitely say it's a horrible view to hold.
In your opinion, obviously. I personally have no issue with some of the people on death row when you look in to the crimes they’ve committed and the families and lives they have completely destroyed with no motive. Nowhere near as barbaric as what they’ve committed themselves. That isn’t a horrible view to hold, in my opinion.
Their crimes might be barbaric but that's no reason for executing them. When there are no other arguments in favour then it's just revenge killing perpetrated by the state. I don't know how anyone can think that society inflicting "an eye for an eye" type justice (and inevitably executing some innocent people in the process) isn't horrible.
That’s your opinion. Fair enough. But you’ll respect some don’t agree with that. And it doesn’t make them horrible people if they don’t agree with you.
If I committed an horrendous crime and the judge turned round and said 'terribly sorry but you murdered that young person for no apparent reason, so we will have to put you to sleep', I would probably think yes that's probably fair enough.
All in your opinion, which you’re entitled to. I think it has massive flaws, granted, but to say there’s no credible view to support it feels quite narrow minded and too dismissive. It’s also not an alien viewpoint, and I wouldn’t call someone’s view who supports it in any way horrible. You’re essentially just supporting the worst punishment possible for the very worst crimes that destroy the lives of more than just the victims.
Plus you have to think of the effect on the executioners. A lot suffered mentally, some even commiting suicide.
As much as you’re entitled to your opinion, other people are also entitled to theirs. It’s a remarkable modern phenomenon that people who stamp their feet for the right to hold an opinion can’t grasp that their opinions will lead to other people building a negative opinion of them. In my lifetime I’ve seen dozens of people released on appeal that were accused of crimes that you’d have happily murdered them for. So it is absolutely barbaric (and utterly dumb) to support the death penalty; In my opinion (which I’m perfectly entitled to).
And what if you weren’t guilty but the jury had been convinced that you were. You’d still think ‘fair enough’, as due process had been served?
Why do they deserve to stay alive and continue where the people they’ve brutally murdered can’t, and where others are mentally challenged for the rest of their living lives? What possible benefit on society they have when they’re obviously beyond any kind of reform? The closure that for some victims it brings? Got to love the BBS and it’s closed stances on things. Never is it a little bit from there but the majority from here, always so closed down black and white. I totally get some people don’t support it. But I think it’s valid in certain cases, although has its flaws currently.
Revenge then. Are the innocents who get executed acceptable collateral damage so long as the state gets to kill some actual wrong 'uns? Actually why stop at the death penalty, let's torture them for a few weeks first. I see this as a black and white issue, I can see literally zero merit or argument in favour of it. I don't think it's unreasonable for me to say that. The only argument put forward in its favour is basically revenge and society should hold itself to a higher standard than that.
And that’s where we differ….. I don’t build an opinion of someone over 1 or 2 views they hold online. I base it on the whole person whom I know in person, and everything is in context. I don’t agree with you on this subject, but may agree on others with you. I don’t know you, and therefore have no opinion of you.
I think you’re completely ignoring, possibly deliberately, that I’m saying there are flaws. But I also see nothing wrong with the death penalty being given to those who are obviously guilty, have admitted as much, and have committed some of the worst crimes on the planet. This discourse is really interesting because you ask me questions and put me on the spot, I give you answers, but then you don’t really respond to what I’ve said. Deja vu for me on this one.
But the fact remains you are still having to kill another person in cold blood. Also, Ian Brady wanted to die, Myra Hindley was desperate to be released, even though her life was obviously going to be endangered.
I'm not ignoring anything, you're just being supercilious in trying to claim the moral high ground by implying that my view is somehow unreasonable for being strongly on one side of the matter. That's deja vu for me. On the substance, what does "obviously guilty" mean in this context? Anyone found guilty is supposedly guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
But it’s so black and white you can’t even begin to imagine for one possible moment that some people might support the death penalty for particularly extreme/heinous crimes (thankfully not often, if at all, in this country). There’s no moral high ground here because I’m the one with the horrible view point. But it’s not an alien one. I asked what benefit they had on society, the impact on the victims, etc. but you didn’t respond to any of that. That’s the discourse challenge for me, but then I guess that’s just the internet and typed tone vs. pub discussion. Anyway, it’s a match day. This is a depressing subject for a Saturday morning and miles off the OP and the abject failure of the US right now. You Reds!
A society that aspires to develop and transcend barbarity can not achieve that by resorting to the very same barbarity perpetrated by those who transgress. It's a no brainer for me. The death penalty does not work as a deterrent and it degrades and undermines any society's claim to be enlightened.