You've done brilliantly, in what has been a great games for Team GB.
This is great but I am a bit confused - if they win the semi final they are guaranteed Silver with a Gold a possibility is there no bronze medal playoff in table tennis, ie both losing semi finalists get a bronze without a playoff?
I've taken it to mean that getting to the semi-finals guarantees a bronze medal, Dave. Sue has been competing for years and I think it's a wonderful achievement.
Oh I think it’s great. Isn’t it something like here 6th Paralympics? And I hope she goes on to the final. I’m just surprised that’s all. Most sports have a bronze playoff match or is it different between the olympics and Paralympics
I honestly don't know, old mate. I've just taken Doug O'Kane at his word that getting to the semis guaranteed her & Megan a bronze medal.
Our young uns teacher that, he doesn't even know she's at the Olympics. I hope he pays more attention in class next year.
I don't know, mate, I don't know her personally. I've definitely seen her in Dodworth. At one time, I believed I knew everyone in the village at least by sight.
I think that's because you don't want somebody who may have been knocked out having to compete again. Most other sports do have a third place match.