MKB, Bury & Walkers or Howard & Co will all do a good job. Never ever use the sols that the agent recommends... for the love of God....
Please please please don't use Howard & Co. My mum is using them at present and they are beyond shocking.
Not in town but Ridley and Hall handled mine, and they were excellent. We were selling 2 properties to then purchase 1 and they dealt with it brilliantly. If you want a email address for the guy who did mine drop me a PM.
Really? Sorry to hear that, all our sales with them are progressing well, so far at least. Are there are any weird complications with your mum's?
My view is that you are better off out of town, but local on the basis that less overheads=less fees.
I don't actually know her name.... I have however had earache every week (sometimes several times a week) deriving from her inability to simply liaise with human beings. Only 4 in the chain, everyone eager to go, no issues with surveys. Been 5 months and despite loosely agreeing to completing on the 10th September, she's gone to ground again and refuses to answer her mobile. Late for the one meeting she's had with my mum. Couldn't make eye contact, sketched a statement of fees in pencil on a crumpled piece of paper. Then vanished when my mum was signing the contracts for exchange and wouldn't come back down leaving the reception staff to try and guide. She's asked for information already provided, twice. Just extremely poor service all round. Gates, the estate agents she used however have been superb and been trying to apply as much pressure as they could.
Agree, and I suspect she will do once everything is sorted. She may have some cajoling to do so from her son too!
That's bad, I'll make sure our sales team doesn't put as much work their way in the future, 5 months is shocking. Gates are fairly good though so they'll be pestering as much as they can. Hope it's all resolved soon.
If you do complain, make sure you send it to both Andrew Baines and Penny Burgess, you should be able to get their emails on their website, if not PM me and I shall furnish thee with them.
I've pretty low expectations of conveyancers to be honest, so it's not like i'm judging them on some form of conveyancing utopia! What I do expect is basic decency and answering a call to ask for progress. It's really poor on two particular accounts.... 1, the setting of a completion date only occurred when the bottom of the chain threatened to pull out as it was taking too long! And 2, in 5 months, my mum has only received one call from the woman dealing with the work, and that was to tell her she was going on holiday the week after, which was the week everyone had been pushing for for months! The last solicitors firm she used for conveyancing was Bury & Walker but the guy had left. If he'd been still there she'd have used them. Not especially sure why she still didn't unless their fees had gone up significantly.
Why have they been so poor? Lack of communication / lack of progress? Edit, apologies just seen your other post.
Not in tarn but Threemo in Wakefield were quality for us couldn’t fault them and not expensive at all.