Have become social media friends with an old human carer for Alfie. My old terrier, 17, now. Invited her up to visit him before he crosses the rainbow bridge. Large, bubbly, colourful lady, late 50s. she already knew I’m ok & the dog is very well looked after. She came up from Nottingham, today, to see us. she’d been on her phone to friends, saying Paul’s nice, but definitely gay. Then she asked.? replied , sorry, but no. Sorry to disappoint. Went to phone photos & found a lovely one of Jeannie & Me at Wembley v Oxford. making friends with police horses. Not gay. I’ve had this all my life. Being called a puff at school etc. Different, gentle, that’s all.. I still get it. Not dangerous, though.I don’t give a ****, I really don’t. Been a good day, though. Drank more beer than I should’ve. Thanks to Gravy Chips for knocking down the barriers about subjects like this..
Wouldn’t bother me either way, mate. He’s quite proud of his large penis & does still try to use it, now & again. They were younger lasses, but I think he’d happily swing the other way, given a chance.
What does a gay man look like? Being kind, compassionate and gentle makes people think you're homosexual? Do I look gay? I totally agree with your comments about Gravy Chips, Paul, old mate.
One of my oldest mates bats for the opposition. He was in the Rugby team at school, even played a bit for Sheffield Eagles as a kid, but didn't quite make it. He was a bouncer in town in the mid 2000's. He sells insurance now. Lives 'darn sarth'. He came out in 2012. Nobody I know, who knew him, had a clue. Never. Not even slightly. But his mum knew. She embarrassed him about it at his wedding. To another absolute unit. Love is. The end.
Ive managed to book tickets to see Erasure in Manchester in October for me and the wife. Does that make us both gay?
Aw Kev. I’m going to tel you this story, while it’s stil in my head. Bear with me. Had a drink or two. My old north London boozer. With my great friend, Simone. Bubbly black lass , 2nd generation Windrush. NHS admin, Whittington. Total Londoner, massive Arsenal fan. Cheeky blokes chatting her up, she rebuked. & was called silver back ******. Right upset. I went looking for the bloke with my friend Mark, tough roadie for Oasis, even back to the Smiths. Found him, marched him back & made him apologise. His mates were kicking off. But no bother.. Was called a puff. That night as well.x
Dunno mate. Saw my friends Arthur & Tony earlier. You wouldn’t know it straight away. Lovely couple. Must meet up soon. I don’t go to matches, because won’t leave aAlf alone, when not important. Might try join you in the ponty. Will need commentary at the kop end.?my eyes are totally shot.
Not seen that, will do one day. I don’t like any screen sex. Not interested in owt like that.Long time ago, my lass did ‘glamour modelling for a living. I was playing guitar in bands, not really that different..
Well having shared a room with you and hearing these words whispered in my ear as I was falling asleep…what happens in Barnsley stays in Barnsley….I’ll let others decide