I have just returned to vinyl and i am in the process of getting all those original LP's from the 70's. I went up to the Hospice shop in Dodworth and got 7 for a tenner. Some of those were 5-10 quid online. I had treated myself to the one record deck i also had in the 70's, a Bang & Olufson but this time i got the tangential version. Not cheap by any stretch but i always loved that design. The cartridge and needle cost £250 for the lower end needle, but it will get some hammer. Anyone else doing vinyl.
Yeah I never stopped. It’s an expensive ride these days so be prepared. Recommend a trip to Chesterfield for their record fair held in the market one Sunday a month.
Also on Twitter if you follow @VinylOffers he trawls Amazon and posts links pretty much every day for low priced / deal records
Ive still got all my Vinyl LP's from the '70s and very early 80's and play them from time to time on my JVC direct Drive turntable bought in 1980 got some great Albums I dont have any other way - like Ziggy Stardust, Alladin Sane, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road , 2112 etc so its the only real way I can listen to them- Keep meaning to convert them to MP3's so I can listen in the car but never find the time
Should add because I was the idiot who didn’t do this if you are using an expensive needle and playing chazza shop specials on it make sure you buy a record cleaning machine and give them a bath before playing. The disco anti stat is good enough imo.
This. I keep a second headshell with an AT95E on for first listens to second-hand stuff. Just in case! Then the expensive one goes back on once they've been cleaned and that.
Still got my record box from northern all nighters in 70s/80s abart 75 7inch 45 rpm singles and nowt to play em on
If you’re not gonna play em get em on Discogs. I sold a couple of Northen Soul singles for just shy of 400 quid about a month ago.