So it looks like the very people who can afford it the least will pay the highest proportion of their income. The government is a complete disgrace. Apparently £15bn is needed to sort it out, maybe they should ask Dido Harding for the £35bn back that she wasted on a track and trace system that never properly worked. Johnson is beyond contempt.
Wanting to up NI, end the triple lock, extend the coronavirus act until next spring, petrol risen past 1.30 a litre and empty shop shelves because of a driver shortage. We have a **** show in charge of the country.
Makes you think, well makes me think. I’m currently, the youngest tenant on my yard in Wentworth. I do the bins for 4 houses & as much else as possible without being able to drive. having had a interesting, creative, but chequered career, I know my pension will be worth f all. Have no brain for finance etc..London has my money.. Definitely will die alone, resigned to that. & seeing, this is not a great place to grow old by yourself. Point is, everyone has a story & a situation. & there’s too many gaps in the boards.
Fekin media distorting a the facts !!! Channel four used three examples of a bloke earning 22k a woman earning 50k and then a pensioner on 50k WTAF how is that proportionate?? How the fek can they state an average pensioner is on 50k??. They should be held accountable these fact stirring ******** !most pensioners are on the breadline ! Stop broadcasting **** and put the truth. Whatever the ins and outs of this debate stop twisting facts are not on 50k s year so ******** you twisting **** stirring lovely people .
22k and 50k aren't indicative of the average wage, either. The average pensioner won't be affected since they don't pay NI.
It really, really hasn't. The average cost of residential care is £2800 per month, I doubt most current pensioners paid that in a year, probably two. Typical of the worst generation ever to want everything for nothing.
My generation paid the pensions to people who had never contributed and didn’t complain . Some from this generation do nothing but complain and will probably be the first in the queue when in need . Not all of them as some are caring and see the bigger picture but the ones complaining are usually first ones with hands out . Our contributions will be compatible with today’s contributions and
It appears the chickens have come home to roost . Derisory birth rates from the 1960s onwards has left us with a shortfall of workers and an excess of aged adults . They knew about this all along . I remember the 80s when it was referred to as the " pension ticking time bomb " but did nothing , in fact they continued to reduce taxes . Meantime we were told low birth rates was a sign of how advanced we were as a society and that we should all concentrate on our careers . What a joke . I would add throwing more money at the problem may not necessarily help . Sure more money may make the care sector a more attractive destination for the younger generations but your diverting from more productive endeavours within society which long term may leave an even larger shortfall in revenue . There's no quick fix to this I'm afraid .
did you pay for going to university. Have no chance of buying a house and pay for social care. Why should someone with a family on minimum wage pay for social care for say someone living in a million quid house
The original aim of the social security was that everyone paid as per their earning/social status etc . Which at the start the richest we’re paying in the most in monetary terms but per capita still very well if compared to the working man . It was a system where everyone could draw as it in theory gave the richest a stake in the welfare state whereby they could draw out as much as the lowest beneficiary . Obviously successive Tory govts have distorted and defiled the system to something that it isn’t supposed to be .
Indeed but the way out of that isn’t to load even more debt on young people so that wealthy people can hoard their wealth.
Depends how you define wealthy , owning a terrace house isn’t wealthy IMO but naturally the Torys would define that to take the onus away from the richest . Some of the wealthiest pay lots more which is fair enough but even if they paid ten times more than a pensioner in a terrace house they are still left with vast more capital. The Tories would rather use the monetary argument than the wealth argument for obvious reasons .