I had a couple of pints in Rockingham arms today, it's great, it smells like a proper pub with beer soaked carpets. If I'd have known you was a bit balled off I'd have invited you along.
They couldn’t have even jazzed it up a bit to look like something other than a 50 year old train, that used to be a bus, dumped in a car park?
We weren’t out today. Alf has been a bit knackered. I prepped an oil painting & tried to sought some crap in my house. Loads to do. Give us a shout, next tie. New carpets here.!!
I’m not generally in favour of means testing but there has to be an element here. Clearly NI impacts the poorest the most so of course they suggest it
I'd go one step further here & ask how the **** they can justify that charge for a pensioner, £700 a week?
So to summarise. The lowest paid lose £20 per week in UC and/or a significant hike in NI. Those who are better off are just a little bit affected. Not even discussed in Cabinet let alone by the rank and file Tories. And now there are howls of protest from the people who put the lovable liar there.
Having one member of staff working 24x7 (so several on shifts) costs the care home £1500 per week on minimum wage (at least). A care home would have multiple members of staff working, so lets say 5 FTEs = £7500/week (and this doesn't cover employer pension or NI contributions, HR, maintenance, etc). For a care home with 10 residents that is a bare minimum of £750 each - and the home is making a loss on that. Obviously, some care homes will need less staff as the pensioners are more capable of looking after themselves. But some will need more staff for each resident and the higher the staff->pensioner ratio, the more it will cost.
Don't be silly.... as if this government would spend money on paint..... Paint job on Boris Johnson's plane will cost taxpayer £900,000 | Boris Johnson | The Guardian
Just re-direct some of the £350m a week that the NHS is now getting from the Brexit dividend, job done.
Very true but at the very top the private carehome owners are some of the richest in the country and the staff don't get enough really for the hard work they do. The fees for resident's are extortionate.
It's a disgrace that underpaid care workers and NHS staff will now be paying extra out of their wage towards this.
Third party top up payments don’t seem to get a mention when Residential Care costs are mentioned, the news are reporting if you have less than £20k you get care for free but most homes demand a third party top up usually from relatives which can be exorbitant We were paying £125 a week in TPT when my Mum was in a home and that was considered low