As long as you contract Covid in a supermarket or at work it's fine. If you contract it doing something you enjoy you're the devil.
So what is the ultimate end goal? To be totally covid free? I agree with you about what a circus this government is but in all honesty, I don't really want my kids to be going to school wearing masks. Its almost impossible to completely irradiate covid, see Australia.
A government should never be in a position to be able to dictate whether you can leave your house, go to work or see your family. No government should ever be allowed to make it illegal to sit on a park bench. Huge government overreach. Just my opinion of course. I'd love to see a study to see if there is a correlation between wealth and garden space to those who are pro lockdown.
Who would take part in it when everyone has been offered 2x jabs and the majority have taken the offer a lockdown was apparently to slow the spread untill we found a vaccine. I wouldnt be taking part in another and I doubt another will happen
What pisses me off is you don't need a flu jab passport. If you get flu and die. It's "oh well the vaccine is readily available" and nobody gives a stuff. Why is Covid any different?
I just can't shake this feeling that they are pulling out more stops than needed in the wrong areas. Yes it's life threatening and people have died but I think there is a narrative being played out by the media governing by fear.
I think it's convenient for the government to blame Brexit blues on Covid .Don't think it extends to a lockdown that will be difficult to implement.
"Don't believe all quotes you read on the Internet" - A Einstein 1965. The quote about repeating the same task and expecting a different result wasn't believed to have been Einstein, but first appeared in an article about an AA meeting in 1981 ( Einstein died in 1955.
We've all sacrificed enough in my book. I can't really see what else can achieved regarding Covid when restrictions have been lifted and masks are no longer compulsory. Also people only have to isolate if they are showing symptoms even if living with someone with Covid and have had both jabs. The horse has bolted for me. As Brush eluded to. Kids can carry on going to School, not wearing masks. For every barrier there is something that defeats it's object.